Li K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure spectra for a …
2017年1月1日 · Identifying the local chemical structures of elemental lithium in lithium compounds is beneficial for improving understanding of battery components and performance. Herein, a library of Li K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) of lithium compounds relevant to Li-ion batteries is reported.
K-edge 和逃逸问题 - CSDN博客
2023年11月3日 · K-edge(K边缘) 是X射线吸收光谱中的一个特定能量点。 这个点与原子核的K壳层(内壳层)电子有关。 当入射X射线的能量等于或略高于K壳层电子的束缚能量时,会发生K-edge吸收。
富镍层状正极的高电压诱导表面和晶体内结构演化 - 知乎
从视场底部(即晶粒内部)收集的EELS光谱可以清楚地看到一个锐利的Li K-edge。 随着探测步长沿图4c黄线逐渐向地表移动,Li K-edge的峰值强度减小,表明Li沿深度方向逐渐损失。
Electronic structure evolution upon lithiation: A Li K-edge study of ...
2024年10月1日 · The Li K-edge XRS spectra exhibit strong agreement with the electrochemical behavior, establishing it as a valuable tool for investigating the evolution of electronic structure in Li/SiO x batteries.
Lithium K-edge XANES spectra for lithium compounds
2002年7月4日 · Lithium K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of Li metal, Li 2 S, Li 2 O, LiOH·H 2 O, Li 2 CO 3, Li 3 PO 4, Li 2 SO 4 ·H 2 O and LiNO 3 were studied by the total electron yield method.
Soft X-Ray Irradiation Effects of Li - PLOS
2012年11月7日 · Here we carry out extensive time, position, and irradiation dependent Li K -edge soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy on these compounds with so far the best energy resolution. The ultra-high resolution in the current study allows …
Identifying lithium K edge anisotropy in | Phys. Rev. B
2018年8月2日 · Using scattering-vector (q)-dependent electron-energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), we found anisotropy of Li 1 s → 2 p excitation for LiCo O 2. To achieve this, EELS spectra for LiCo O 2 (i.e., Li K edge overlapped with Co M 2 , 3 edge) were compared with those of Co M 2 , 3 edge for N a 0.72 Co O 2 under dipole transition conditions.
原位,原位,电池材料的原位锂 K 边能量损失光谱,Microscopy …
2020年7月30日 · 在这里,我们表明 Li K-edge EELS 可以成为探测 Li 的独特工具,包括其在辐射敏感锂电池材料中的空间分布和化学状态 [3-4],并且也可以原位应用,用于跟踪工作电池电极中的锂离子传输 [5-6]。
Soft X-ray XANES studies of various phases related to LiFePO
In the present report, soft-X-ray XANES spectra of Li K-edge, P L 2,3-edge, O K-edge and Fe L 2,3-edge have been obtained for LiFePO 4 in crystalline, disordered and amorphous forms and some possible “impurities”, including LiPO 3, Li 4 P 2 …
In this study, Li K-edge XANES and Li(1s) XPS spectra of various lithium compounds and complexes have been measured to get directly the information on electronic states of lithium ions. The samples are lithium compounds with acetate, oxalate, lactate, halides, phosphate and carbonate, lithium complex, dilithium phthalocyanine, and so on. Li K-edge