The Works of Li Po - amazon.com
2011年9月20日 · Li Po (701-762) rivals Du Fu for the title of China's greatest poet, and is considered to be the great Romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). He grew up in Sichuan province, China, and set out at the age of twenty-five to travel in the country, writing poems.
- 4.3/5(23)
Li Po and Tu Fu: Poems Selected and Translated with an …
1973年7月30日 · Li Po (AD 701–62) and Tu Fu (AD 712–70) were devoted friends who are traditionally considered to be among China's greatest poets. Li Po, a legendary carouser, was an itinerant poet whose writing, often dream poems or spirit-journeys, soars to sublime heights in its descriptions of natural scenes and powerful emotions.
- 4.6/5(109)
Amazon.com: Li Po: Books
Li Po and Tu Fu: Poems Selected and Translated with an Introduction and Notes (Penguin Classics)
Books by Li Po (Author of The Selected Poems of Li Po)
Li Po has 45 books on Goodreads with 6444 ratings. Li Po’s most popular book is The Selected Poems of Li Po.
The Selected Poems of Li Po | Bai Li, Po Li, Li Po, David Hinton ...
Legendary friends in eighth-century T’ang China, Li Po and Tu Fu are traditionally celebrated as the two greatest poets in the Chinese canon. David Hinton’s translation of Li Po’s poems is no less an achievement than his critically acclaimed The …
The Selected Poems of Li Po - Goodreads
Li Po (AD 701-762) and Tu Fu are traditionally celebrated as the two greatest poets in the Chinese canon. David Hinton's translation of Li Po's poetry is no less an achievement than his critically acclaimed "The Selected Poems of Tu Fu", also published by Anvil.
The Poet Li Po, A.D. 701-762 by Arthur Waley and Bai Li
2013年7月21日 · "The Poet Li Po, A.D. 701-762" by Arthur Waley and Bai Li is a scholarly examination of the life and works of one of China's most renowned poets, Li Po, written in the early 20th century. This biography includes various translations of his poetry and critical commentary on his status in Chinese literature, emphasizing themes central to his work.
The Selected Poems of Li Po: Hinton, David, Li, Bai, Li, Po, Po, Li ...
1996年5月17日 · Legendary friends in eighth-century T’ang China, Li Po and Tu Fu are traditionally celebrated as the two greatest poets in the Chinese canon. David Hinton’s translation of Li Po’s poems is no less an achievement than his critically acclaimed The Selected Poems of Tu Fu, also published by New Directions.
Li Po (Author of The Selected Poems of Li Po) - Goodreads
Li Po is the author of The Selected Poems of Li Po (4.27 avg rating, 1042 ratings, 84 reviews, published 762), Li Po and Tu Fu (4.11 avg rating, 574 rati...
The Selected Poems Of Li Po - New Directions Publishing
Legendary friends in eighth-century T’ang China, Li Po and Tu Fu are traditionally celebrated as the two greatest poets in the Chinese canon. David Hinton’s translation of Li Po’s poems is no less an achievement than his critically acclaimed The …