Li Zhi (philosopher) - Wikipedia
Li Zhi (1527–1602), often known by his pseudonym Zhuowu (which means, “I who am smart”), was a Chinese philosopher, historian and writer of the late Ming dynasty. A critic of the Neo-Confucianist views espoused by Zhu Xi, which was then the orthodoxy of the Ming government, he was persecuted and committed suicide in prison.
李志 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
李志(1978年11月13日 — ),中国大陆男歌手,太合音乐集团旗下的太合麦田音乐厂牌音乐人,现居江苏省 南京市。 李志是中国当代民谣的代表人物之一,也是中国大陆独立音乐圈内知名度较高的音乐人。自2019年4月12日起,李志停止活动,其音乐作品在中国大陆各音乐流媒体平台被陆续下架,其 ...
Li Zhi (singer) - Wikipedia
Li Zhi (born November 13, 1978) is a mainland Chinese music artist who was banned from People's Republic of China in April 2019. According to the China Daily newspaper published in 2015, Li was a music artist who sold out his concert tickets quickly.
李志 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月28日 · 李志(1978年11月13日-),出生于江苏省常州市金坛区,中国内地男歌手、独立音乐人。 2004年,推出首张个人音乐专辑《被禁忌的游戏》。2005年,推出第二张个人音乐专辑《梵高先生》。2007年,举行“将进酒”全国巡回演唱会。2009年至2013年,相继推出个人音乐专辑《我爱南京》《你好,郑州》《 f ...
Li Zhi: An Audacious Man | Academy of Chinese Studies - The …
Li Zhi was a renowned Chinese philosopher and man of letters during the Ming dynasty. His unique personality and his opposition to the feudal code of ethics caused a stir in both political and literary circles, eventually leading to his death.
Li Zhi and 16th Century China: The Self, Tradition, and Dissent in ...
The 16th century Chinese iconoclast Li Zhi (Li Zhuowu) has been rightly celebrated as a pioneer of individualism, one of history’s great voices of social protest, an original mind powerfully arguing for genuine self-expression, and more.
李贄 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Li Zhi (1527–1602), often known by his pseudonym Zhuowu, was a Chinese philosopher, historian and writer of the late Ming Dynasty. A critic of the Neo-Confucianist views espoused by Zhu Xi , which was then the orthodoxy of the Ming government, he was persecuted and committed suicide in …
Li Zhi’s Explanation of the Childlike Mind | SpringerLink
2021年4月27日 · Li Zhi is the strangest and most unique figure in the history of Ming Dynasty thought. His thought embodies the trend of the times among intellectuals living under the repression of traditional ideas, calling for a return to a true self and to give human nature back...
Li Zhi (1527–1602) was a philosopher, historian and writer of the late Ming Dynasty. In terms of themes, besides the traditional social, political, historical and philosophical topics, more scholarship has been written about Li Zhi from the
The Objectionable Li Zhi - 豆瓣读书
Iconoclastic scholar Li Zhi (1527–1602) was a central figure in the cultural world of the late Ming dynasty. His provocative and controversial words and actions shaped print culture, literary practice, attitudes toward gender, and perspectives on Buddhism and the afterlife.