Li Zhun - Wikipedia
Li Zhun (Chinese: 李准; pinyin: Lǐ Zhún; 4 July 1928 – 2 February 2000) was a Chinese novelist who was the vice president of China Writers Association and the librarian of Chinese Modern Literature Museum.
李 隽-清华大学化学系 - Tsinghua University
李隽(Jun Li) 博士,教授,博士生导师. 教育部长江学者特聘教授, 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者, 美国科学促进会(AAAS)会士. Tel: (10)62795381,E-Mail: [email protected]. 教育背景
Geology, mineralization and magma evolution of the Zuun Mod …
2023年11月1日 · The goals of this study are (i) to better characterize the Mo and Cu mineralization style at the Zuun Mod deposit using the first results of a lithogeochemical and zircon U-Pb geochronological study of the ore-hosting intrusive rocks of the Bayanbulag intrusive complex; and (ii) to constrain the timing of Mo-Cu mineralization event for Zuun Mod ...
Li Zijun - Wikipedia
Li Zijun (Chinese: 李子君; pinyin: Lǐ Zǐjūn; December 14, 1996) is a retired Chinese competitive figure skater. She is the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic bronze medalist and the 2014 Four Continents bronze medalist. Li is also the 2017 Asian Winter Games silver medalist, 2010 JGP Final bronze medalist, and a four-time (2011–2014) Chinese national champion.
Geology, mineralization and magma evolution of the Zuun Mod …
2023年11月1日 · Zuun Mod is a porphyry-type Mo-Cu deposit located in the Edren terrane in Southwest Mongolia. The deposit has estimated resources of 218 Mt with an average Mo grade of 0.057% and Cu grade of 0.069%, and significant amounts of Re.
蒙古西南祖恩莫德钼铜矿床地质、成矿及岩浆演化,Journal of Asian …
Zuun Mod是位于蒙古西南部Edren地体的斑岩型钼铜矿床。 该矿床估计资源量为 218 吨,平均钼品位为 0.057%,铜品位为 0.069%,并含有大量铼。 该矿床的特点是多次岩浆脉冲和岩浆矿液的溶出以及相关的蚀变和矿化。
The Growth and Production of Crude Oil from Algae Using …
@inproceedings{Cordon2013TheGA, title={The Growth and Production of Crude Oil from Algae Using Hydrothermal Liquefaction and Catalytic Hydrothermal Liquefaction}, author={Michael J. Cordon and Li Zuun and Tyler List and Aaron Zhang}, year={2013} }
寒武纪BACE定位:蒙古西南部巴彦郭勒与埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪边界 …
这个以碳酸盐为主的序列,通过蒙古西南部的 Zuun-Arts 和 Bayangol 地层,在 Zuun-Arts 地层顶部附近捕获了一个明显的负 δ 13 C 偏移,被认为是基底寒武纪碳同位素偏移 (BACE)。
蒙古科技大学最新研究:蒙古西南部Zuun Mod钼铜矿床地质、成 …
在蒙古南部的Edren地块中,有一个名为Zuun Mod的斑岩型钼铜矿床,储量巨大,但是其成因一直备受争议。 因此,研究Zuun Mod矿床的成因和矿物化特征,对于探索该地区矿产资源的勘探和开发具有重要意义。
Монголын түүхийн тайлбар толь
Монгол орны хангай, говийн уул хадтай аль ч нутагт археологийн энэ төрлийн дурсгал цөөнгүй тохиолдоно. Хадны болон агуйн оршуулга нь газрын хөрсөн дор булшны нүх ухаж үхэгсдийн шарилыг булшлах бус харин байгалийн бэлэн агуй хонгил, хадны хөмөг ашиглан шороо чулуугаар далдалж нөгчигсдийн шарилыг оршоодог.