Dr Lianping Hou - University of Glasgow - Schools
In 2005, Dr. Hou earned his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Semiconductors (IOS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), where his research focused on photonic integrated circuits,
Li-an HOU | Doctor of Philosophy | Chinese Academy of Engineering ...
Li-an HOU | Cited by 5,319 | of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Beijing | Read 201 publications | Contact Li-an HOU
Lian Hou - Chinese Academy of Engineering | 人才画像 - AMiner
侯立安,1957年生,中国工程院院士 ,环境工程专家,长期致力于环境工程领域的科学研究、工程设计和技术管理工作,在饮用水安全保障、分散点源生活污水处理和人居环境空气净化等方面,率先提出并成功研发了具有自主知识产权的水处理及空气净化技术和系列装备,取得多项突破性成果和富有创造性的成就。 获国家科技进步奖5项,军队、省部级科技进步奖和教学成果奖26项,国家专利23项;出版专著3部,编写国家军用标准5项,发表学术论文200余篇。 The page …
Lian Hou | IEEE Xplore Author Details
Lian Hou received the B.S. degree in vehicle engineering and the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2016 and 2019, respectively. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering with the Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Lian HOU | Tsinghua University, Beijing | TH - ResearchGate
Lian HOU | Cited by 210 | of Tsinghua University, Beijing (TH) | Read 7 publications | Contact Lian HOU
清华大学车辆与运载学院-李升波 - Tsinghua University
长聘教授,博士生导师. 地址:清华大学李兆基科技大楼A643室. 电话:(010) 6279-6150. 邮件: lishbo [AT]tsinghua.edu.cn. 课题组网站: http://www.idlab-tsinghua.com. 个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shengbo_Li.
侯立安 - 中国工程学院院士 - 浙江大学学术委员会
现任第二炮兵后勤科学技术研究所所长,兼任中央联系专家,中国未来研究会副理事长,中国环境科学学会顾问,中国系统工程学会人-机-环境系统工程专业委员会副主任委员,中国膜工业协会专家委员会副主任委员,北京发明协会副理事长。 我国特种污染防控技术的开拓者之一,长期致力于环境工程领域的研究工作。...
Li'an Hou-IWA Biofilms 2024 - Tongji University
Li'an Hou. Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof. Hou Li'an is one of the pioneers in special pollution prevention and control technology in China. He has been dedicated to research...
HOU Li’an, an expert in environmental engineering, is the director of the Institute of Logistics Science and Technology of the Rocket Army and a professor of Tongji University. In 2006, he...
Lian Hou - dblp
Lian Hou, Shengbo Eben Li, Bo Yang, Zheng Wang, Kimihiko Nakano: Structural Transformer Improves Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Interactive Trajectory Prediction of Multiple Surrounding Vehicles. IEEE Trans. Intell.