Lian Li TU-150WX Tu 150-WX Black Aluminum Mini-ITX …
Born to provide a better build experience for mini-ITX enthusiasts, the TU150 is a sophisticated and elegant small form factor case. Built with black or silver brushed aluminum side panels and a tempered glass left side panel that sits flush all around the case, the toolless design provides ease of manipulation and a clean finish.
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Lian Li TU150 Review - TechPowerUp
2019年8月24日 · The Lian Li TU150 is a fresh take on the TU100 and TU200 portable cases. Gone is the flight-case inspired design and purely functional yet ugly handle up top. Instead, the TU150 offers a sleek outer shell, beautiful glass side …
联力小犀牛TU150 ITX机箱评测:手提拉丝铝制小钢炮
2019年9月12日 · 联力小犀牛TU150是2012年推出的TU100和TU200的紧凑便携式Mini-ITX机箱的新成员,有银、黑两色可选,它整体延续了联力一贯的简约风格,箱体设计上也作出了改进,手提把手可以平滑地隐藏在顶部,铝制水磨拉丝板材也是比较亮眼,但是当颜色是黑色时,也许会比较容易地沾染上指纹或者被刮花。 机箱的装机体验良好,兼容性优秀,能够容纳大型的CPU风冷散热器和长显卡,只是这时我们的3.5寸硬盘安装就要看实际情况了。 得益于多处大面积地打孔, …
Lian Li TU150 Mini-ITX Chassis Review - TweakTown
2019年8月25日 · The Lian Li TU150 Mini-ITX Chassis might appear to be a tiny box, but it's packed with features like you wouldn't even believe.
Lian Li Tu 150-WA Silver Aluminum Mini-ITX Computer Casetx …
Born to provide a better build experience for mini-ITX enthusiasts, the TU150 is a sophisticated and elegant small form factor case. Built with black or silver brushed aluminum side panels and a tempered glass left side panel that sits flush all around the case, the toolless design provides ease of manipulation and a clean finish.
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LIAN LI TU150 评测 - 机箱 - Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验
2020年9月28日 · LIAN LI是PC DIY玩家的中一个具有重要分量的品牌,不论是本品牌的产品还是代工的产品,都是很多玩家的津津乐道的点. LIAN LI在一段时间的沉寂之后推出了一系列机箱,TU150便是其中推出许久的且热卖型号,顶部小提手是非常有辨识度的部位. 两个都下单了,NR200全方位完胜,而且还便宜,联力这个退了,骨架不是有点单薄,是太单薄了! sema: 这箱子上次某东特价699我下了一单,但是想了两小时又放弃了,感觉自从联力在大陆设了个生产厂,这机箱没有 …
LIAN LI TU150 Aluminium tempered glass ITX case -Silver Color
Buy LIAN LI TU150 Aluminium tempered glass ITX case -Silver Color -TU150WA with fast shipping and top-rated customer service. Newegg shopping upgraded ™
- 评论数: 83
Lian Li TU150 Mini ITX Reviews, Pros and Cons - TechSpot
2023年10月3日 · Overall, the Lian Li TU150 is a clean, beautiful-looking case. On top of that, it functions well, has that spiffy handle and plenty of cable routing and hiding possibilities, and allows for a...