The 6Ms: How to show and share Jesus where you are | LICC
See the 6Ms in action. The '6M People' video series shares real stories of Christians living out the 6Ms in their daily lives - so you can spot fruitfulness in your own.
6M People - LICC
In each two-minute film of the 6M People series, you’ll walk with an ordinary Christian through their daily routine and discover how they make a difference for Christ, living out the ‘6Ms of Fruitfulness’ in their ordinary tasks: Modelling godly character; Making good work; Ministering grace and love; Moulding culture
6M People is a series of eight short films telling the true stories of ordinary Christians making a diference with Jesus in their daily lives. On their ‘frontlines’, the ordinary places where they spend time with those who don’t follow Christ, each of them is living out the ‘6Ms of fruitfulness’ (read more about them on the next page).
Peter the Litter-Picker | Fruitfulness on the Frontline - YouTube
Delve into the rich ways God works in and through us right where we are using our fresh, simple ‘6M’ framework, in a small group series or book. Discover mor...
SIGNPOST: LICC - 6M PEOPLE — The Genesis Network
2021年11月17日 · Giving shape to this ‘uncovering process’ are six key areas (6M) which characterise fruitful living: Modelling Godly character, Making good work, Ministering grace and love, Moulding culture, Mouthpiece for truth and justice and Messenger of the gospel.
Together4Bristol : 6M People
In each two-minute film of the 6M People series, you’ll walk with an ordinary Christian through their daily routine and discover how they make a difference for Christ, living out the ‘6Ms of Fruitfulness’ in their ordinary tasks: Modelling godly character; Making good work; Ministering grace and love; Moulding culture
Small Group Notes | Frontline Church
LICC have produced a number of resources to help explore faith in the workplace in more depth. We really encourage you to engage with this in your Communities, Small Groups and Fews. 6M People has 8 short videos with discussion questions for each video. You can find both of these resources linked below.
Fruitfulness on the Frontline - LICC
Delve into the rich ways God works in and through us right where we are using our fresh, simple ‘6M’ framework, in a small group series or book. Where you are now truly matters to God. We all have an everyday context that’s significant to God, full of people who matter to God.
The 6 Ms Framework for Fruitfulness: A Review of Fruitfulness …
2017年1月28日 · In his very accessible and practical book, Fruitfulness on the Frontlines, London’s Mark Greene offers a very helpful framework for Christians trying to live out their faith. The framework is notable for at least three reasons. First, it is broadly applicable.
Examen week 4 – fruitfulness – Kairos Network Church
2023年3月13日 · LICC talk about 6Ms of fruitfulness. Together these give a holistic impression – fruitfulness looks like: Modelling godly character; Making good work; Ministering grace and love; Moulding culture; Being a Mouthpiece for truth and justice; Being a Messenger of the gospel