How to define the future and the past? | Antimoon Forum
2005年7月15日 · As to 'Simple', in Future and Past tenses it denotes that the action fully lies in the appropriate period, and concerning the Past Simple a wrote before. So, "It will be canceled". You are not right in the following.
An interesting experiment on tense | Antimoon Forum
2005年7月19日 · Indeed, grammarists have first agreed that tense is to used to express time. But there is a big trouble: there aren't as many notions of time as tenses. Take the common use of the three tenses -- Simple Past, Present Perfect, Simple Present -- for example: three tenses have to share only two notions of time: past and present.
A concept of time | Antimoon Forum
2005年9月17日 · I have an interesting example about tenses from Spanish. In Spanish you can use the present tense to jump into the future. In Spanish you can say: I see you tomorrow. However, in English you would say: I will see you tomorrow. Even native Spanish speakers who can speak good English and have a reasonable understanding of the English tenses,
The difference between the Italian and the spanish? - Antimoon
2009年4月21日 · As for the verbal system, the main difference is that Italian makes use of two different auxiliary verbs to form all compound tenses. Sometimes, the choice of the right auxiliary verb may be hard, even for an italian. Past tenses are much more irregular in Italian. I'm referring to the past participle and Simple past.
English and romance languages extremely similar? | Antimoon …
2009年2月13日 · The Romance languages have probably one the most complicated verb systems: highly inflected, lots of tenses and moods. English is a simple and extremely analytical language: it does not even retain the noun gender.
A concept of time | Antimoon Forum
2005年9月16日 · The problem is that English tenses and aspects are *not* simple, and they are less simple than their syntactic representation would make them out to be as well. The matter is that semantic tenses and aspects in English do not directly correspond to syntactic tenses and aspects in such, especially in the present tense.
Grammatical complexity of German and Romance languages
2007年8月20日 · It has two morphological tenses, present and past, having no true "built-in" future tense. It superfically has an orthogonal system of non-perfect non-progressive aspect, perfect non-progressive aspect, non-perfect progressive aspect, and perfect progressive aspect which is expressed partly analytically and partly morphologically.
Serbo-Croatian | Antimoon Forum
2009年9月7日 · The tenses are still used and nowadays more and more because it has shorter forms, especially when texting or writing e-mails. ja sam rekao vs. rekoh ja sam bio napisao vs. napisah etc. ja ću napisati/ ja budem napisao vs. napišem etc...
Is English grammar harder than Dutch | Antimoon Forum
2007年12月8日 · English tenses (aspects) are much more complicated than Dutch, whose tenses are almost identical as in German: one for each time and a similar construction. Dutch has no subjunctive, no continuous etc. Yes, it has the equivalent of German "Er ist am schlafen" in the standard language (in German this is dialectal). This is "aan het"
I worry about =\ I am worried about? | Antimoon Forum
2009年2月15日 · They're different tenses FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Uriel Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:27 pm GMT.