Kesla® (T.A.) - Lily - Van den Bos Flowerbulbs
Kesla® Cut; T.A. Yellow; Ask a question about this product. Share: Back to overview Back to overview Lily 255 of 662 Next. Ask a question about this product. Your question. Company name. Contact name. Telephone. E-mail. Address. City. Country. Send. Stay up to date with our newsletter! Subscribe. Popular pages.
TA Hybrid Lily Lilium Trumpet Asiatic Kesla® from Netherland Bulb
Slender stalks topped with a cluster of flowers. Easy to grow in moist, well-drained soil in full sun to partial sun. and growing conditions in different parts of the country will affect height, bloom time, and color.
Kesla | Zabo Plant
Lily Kesla This TA hybrid from bloomlily is called Kesla, it produces beautifull big yellow colors
Global leader in the export of lily bulbs, freesia and calla corms ...
Van den Bos Flowerbulbs specialises in the preservation, preparation and marketing of lilies, freesia and calla for professional flower cultivation and importers. We have been a leading light throughout the world in flower bulb storage, flower bulb …
Lilium / Lily bulbs | TA Hybrid | Kesla - VWS Flowerbulbs
Lilium / Lily bulbs / TA Hybrid / Kesla ® - Color: Yellow. Color Yellow: Growing period/speed 80 - 90 days: Plant height 140 - 150 cm
Kesla - De Jong Lelies
Back to home / Cultivars / Kesla. Kesla - TA-hybriden. Number of flower buds per size. 12-14 : 4-6; 14-16 : 5-7; 16-18 : 6-8; 18-20 : 7-9; Color. Yellow; Growing period. 85 days; Length. 140 cm; Share this beautiful lily ; De Jong Lelies Dé allround lelie expert. Home. About us. Company profile. Our history. Cultivars. New varieties ...
Lilium Kesla - Lily - promessedefleurs.ie
Easy to grow, reliable, and blooming faithfully in June, it is scentless. Perfect in borders, pots, or large rockeries and fabulous for cut flowers. The Alternate Lily 'Kesla' belongs to the group of Asian lilies. It produces single star-shaped flowers in a beautiful golden yellow colour, immaculate except for a small green throat.
Kesla - Onings Holland Flowerbulbs
Headquarters. P.F. Onings BV ABC Westland 661 2685 DH Poeldijk T +31 (0)174 282230 F +31 (0)174 248351 E [email protected]
Kesla - Flamingo Holland Inc.
Learn more about our wide selection of wholesale Lily bulbs. If you are looking to acquire wholesale flower bulbs, we have an extensive array of bulbs! Learn more about cultivating this variety in our growing instructions for Lily bulbs.
ケスラー | 株式会社中村農園
交配系統: LAハイブリッド: 花色: 黄: 育種会社: マック: 品種名: ケスラー: 英語名: Kesla: 生育タイプ: 晩生: 球根サイズ ...
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