Why is LIMA graft superior to saphenous venous graft in CABG
2008年11月6日 · Left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is the most commonly used arterial graft. This is usually anastamosed with LAD. The lumen of LAD & LIMA are more or less equal and they match well in character also ! The other advantage of LIMA graft is , blood tends to flow both during systole and diastole in a smooth fashion..
Use of the right internal mammary artery and the great saphenous …
According to the strategy of the LAD revascularization, 410 patients were assigned to three groups: a left internal mammal artery (LIMA) group (n = 333), a right IMA (RIMA) group (n = 34) and a great saphenous vein (SVG) group (n = 43).
Outcomes of left internal mammary artery with saphenous vein …
This study aimed to evaluate the early and mid-term outcomes of a novel strategy of using the in-situ left internal mammary artery (LIMA) with the great saphenous vein graft (SVG) to bypass the left anterior descending artery (LAD) in coronary ...
Comparison of coronary artery bypass grafting and... : Medicine
2020年5月22日 · The results showed that LIMA was better than SVG, as evidenced by the significantly lower restenosis rate in the LIMA group, compared with the SVG group. Thus, our observations support the notion that LIMA is more effective than SVG in the treatment of …
Coronary Artery Bypass: Review of Surgical Techniques and Impact …
Both the right and left IMAs are significantly more resistant to the development of atherosclerosis compared to SVGs for several reasons, including the presence of a non-fenestrated endothelial layer, lower intercellular junction permeability, higher concentration of antithrombotic molecules, and endogenous endothelial nitric oxide production [6].
Does the use of a free internal mammary artery graft on the left ...
2017年5月8日 · The reasons for using an f-IMA were extracted from the surgeon’s operative report: significant stenosis of the left subclavian artery (n = 96), proximal LIMA injury at harvesting (n = 61), distal LIMA injury (n = 52), and inadequate length of the insitu LIMA pedicle to reach the target due to extensive proximal disease on the LAD (n = 29).
A pilot randomized controlled trial comparing CABG surgery …
2015年1月8日 · Few RCT’s exist comparing conventional CABG performed with a LIMA-LAD plus saphenous vein grafts (LIMA+SVG) compared to CABG performed with total arterial grafting (TAG). This study is a pilot RCT designed to test the feasibility of such a trial and identify pitfalls.
左乳内动脉联合桡动脉或大隐静脉搭桥早期预后对比分析 - 百度学术
RA组与SVG组术后第1年、第2年总生存率、重大不良心血管事件 (MACE)等方面无明显差异,影像学检查提示2年随访LIMA全部通畅,RA整体通畅率与SVG组无明显差异 (RA 95.4%,SVG 93.3%;p=0.730),RA组中采用LIMA+RA+SVG搭桥的患者复查14例,结果显示RA均通畅,而SVG桥有2例 (14.2%)出现轻度 ...
Use of the right internal mammary artery and the great ... - PubMed
2020年6月5日 · According to the strategy of the LAD revascularization, 410 patients were assigned to three groups: a left internal mammal artery (LIMA) group (n = 333), a right IMA (RIMA) group (n = 34) and a great saphenous vein (SVG) group (n = 43).
Clinical Outcomes and Characteristics in PCI of LIMA Grafts
2016年10月27日 · The results of the analysis showed that at one year following LIMA intervention, there was a significantly increased risk of death, compared to SVG. PCI of LIMA was also associated with greater than 50 percent residual stenosis, repeat coronary artery bypass graft and in-hospital death.