Lin-14 - Wikipedia
LIN-14 is a nuclear protein that plays a crucial role in regulating developmental timing in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. [1] [2] It functions as a heterochronic gene, controlling the timing of developmental events during larval development. [2]
秀丽隐感线虫中lin-4调控lin-14的表达 简单来说,生物体内的RNA可分为两种:一种是可编码的,即参与编码蛋白质——遗传物质DNA转录生成mRNA (mRNA,也就是信使RNA,由DNA转录而来,能进一步翻译蛋白质) ,信使RNA进一步翻译生成蛋白质;另一种是不能编码的,即 ...
The Heterochronic Gene lin-14 Controls Axonal Degeneration in C ...
2017年9月19日 · The heterochronic gene lin-14 has previously been implicated in regulating the timing of key developmental events in the nematode C. elegans. Here, we report that LIN-14 is critical for maintaining neuronal integrity. Animals lacking lin-14 display axonal degeneration and guidance errors in both sensory and motor neurons. We demonstrate that ...
The lin-4 microRNA targets the LIN-14 transcription factor to …
2012年6月12日 · In AVM neurons, the transcription factor LIN-14, a target of lin-4 microRNA, stimulated UNC-6-mediated ventral guidance of the AVM axon. LIN-14 promoted attraction of the AVM axon through the UNC-6 receptor UNC-40 [the worm homolog of vertebrate Deleted in Colorectal Cancer (DCC)] and its cofactor MADD-2, which signals through both the UNC-34 ...
Posttranscriptional regulation of the heterochronic gene lin-14 by lin …
1993年12月3日 · Here we demonstrate that a temporal gradient in Lin-14 protein is generated posttranscriptionally by multiple elements in the lin-14 3′UTR that are regulated by the heterochronic gene Lin-4. The lin-14 3′UTR is both necessary and sufficient to confer lin-4-mediated posttranscriptional temporal
Nature | 全面揭开线虫神经系统时间转换图谱 - 知乎
2021年11月11日 · 为了进一步对 lin-14 在神经转录组成熟过程中的作用进行鉴定,作者通过ChIP-seq技术(Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing)直接检测了LIN-14在L1以及L2线虫中基因组结合位点的变化。 由此,作者们鉴定发现了LIN-14的识别和结合的 基序,同时也发现L1-L2过渡阶段有3466个 神经富集 的基因出现了显著的LIN-14结合变化。 另外,为了对 lin-4 以及 lin-14 在神经元水平上神经元特异性基因表达模式进行检测,作者通过CRISPR-Cas9基 …
The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a BEN domain ... - ScienceDirect
2023年3月27日 · Our findings shed new light on potential mechanisms of LIN-14 function and suggest that BEN domain-containing proteins may have a conserved role in developmental timing. To gain insights into the structural features of LIN-14, we first interrogated more than 100 recently sequenced nematode genomes for the presence of homologs of C. elegans LIN-14.
The heterochronic LIN-14 protein is a BEN domain transcription …
2023年3月27日 · Our findings shed new light on potential mechanisms of LIN-14 function and suggest that BEN domain-containing proteins may have a conserved role in developmental timing. To gain insights into the structural features of LIN-14, we first interrogated more than 100 recently sequenced nematode genomes for the presence of homologs of C. elegans LIN-14.
lin-4对异时基因lin-14的转录后调控介导秀丽隐杆线虫的时间模式 …
lin-14 3'UTR是赋予lin-4介导的转录后时间调控的必要和充分条件。lin-14 3'UTR的功能在秀丽隐杆线虫和Briggsae线虫之间是保守的。保守序列中有七个与lin-4 RNA互补的元件。带有三个这些元件的报告基因显示部分时间梯度活动。
lin-14 regulates the timing of synaptic remodelling in ... - Nature
1998年9月3日 · We show that the heterochronic gene lin-14, which controls the timing of stage-specific cell lineages 4, 5, regulates the timing of DD synaptic output remodelling. In lin-14 loss-of-function...