What makes SC RF attractive? Comparison of SC and NC RF. Superconducting RF. Normal Conductivity RF. = o 2P = Q L C. is reduced by orders of magnitude. BUT, it is deposited @ 2K. for electromagnetic waves in free space (no charge or current distributions present).
Linear particle accelerator - Wikipedia
A linear particle accelerator (often shortened to linac) is a type of particle accelerator that accelerates charged subatomic particles or ions to a high speed by subjecting them to a series of oscillating electric potentials along a linear beamline.
RF linacs : Particles accelerated on a linear path with RF cavities. Advantages : High current, high duty-cycle, low synchrotron radiation losses. Drawbacks : High room & cavities consumption, no synchrotron radiation damping. Main use of linacs : Low energy injectors, high intensity protons beam, high energy lepton colliders.
In most linac applications, the klystron is used as an amplifier, so an input signal is required. This is provided by a low power oscillator typically called an RF driver. The choice of which type RF generator tube is used is based partially on the design …
After a short introduction on the advantages/drawbacks of linacs versus circular accelerators, the two main functions are presented: Beam acceleration with RF cavities . Many configurations of elect romagnetic fields can oscillate with their own frequency in a cavity. These modes are excited by the RF source or the beam itself.
Design of the RF waveguide network for the klystron-based CLIC …
2024年7月1日 · To enhance overall cost-efficiency, reliability, and stability, a novel RF module for klystron-based CLIC main linac has been designed and studied. This RF module utilizes two X-band klystrons to feed eight traveling wave accelerating structures, resulting in a beam energy increase of 138 MeV.
A linac RF system consists in general of many independent RF chains for a number of reasons: accelerating tanks cannot exceed a certain length to avoid beam-breakup; power amplifiers cannot exceed practical power limits; different functions like bunching, debunching
tested on a single drift tube (input + output) and with 25 kV RF peak voltage, it was possible to observe an acceleration of 50 keV for singly-charged Na and K ions. In 1931 Sloan and Lawrence built a real linac of 30 drift tubes giving to Hg ions an energy of 1.25 MeV; lengthening it later in 1934 to 36 drift tubes and increasing their voltage
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designing an RF LINAC •cavity design : 1) control the field pattern inside the cavity; 2) minimise the ohmic losses on the walls/maximise the stored energy. •beam dynamics design : 1) control the timing between the field and the particle, 2) insure that the beam is kept in the smallest possible volume during acceleration 8
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principle of an RF linac 1) RF power source: generator of electromagnetic wave of a specified frequency. It feeds a 2) Cavity : space enclosed in a metallic boundary which resonates with the frequency of the wave and tailors the field pattern to the 3) Beam : flux of particles that we push through the cavity when the