Linaria haelava - Plants of the World Online | Kew Science
Egypte, Hist. Nat. 2 (Mém.): 66 (1813) The native range of this species is Libya to Syria and Arabian Peninsula. It is an annual and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. …
Linaria haelava - ARKBIODIV.COM
2023年5月5日 · Linaria haelava occurs in a range of colors including purple, yellow and white. These attractive flowers are easily missed in the field because their plants can be as short as …
柳穿鱼属 - 百度百科
柳穿鱼属,物种为一年生或多年生 草本;约100种,分布于北温带,主产欧亚两洲。 我国产8种。 这个属的植物多变,给分类带来很大困难,种的数目因每个人处理不同而悬殊颇大。 一年生 …
Linaria haelava
taxonID: wfo-0000446759: scientificNameID: urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:804657-1: localID: 635962: scientificName: Linaria haelava: taxonRank: species: parentNameUsageID
Linaria haelava | Český egyptologický ústav
Family: Scrophulariaceae: Synonyms: Antirrhinum haelava: Local name: Halawa: Habitat in Egypt: sandy desert plains and wadis: Distribution: North Africa, Sinai ...
Linaria haelava - iNaturalist
Linaria haelava is a species of plants with 29 observations
Linaria haelava (Forssk.) Delile - World Flora Online
This name is reported by Plantaginaceae as an accepted name in the genus Linaria (family Plantaginaceae). The record derives from WCSP (in review) (data supplied on 2023-11-24) …
Linaria haelava (Forssk.) Del. - 生命大百科 - Encyclopedia of Life
Linaria haelava是科车前科中Archaeplastida的一个物种。 EOL有5个属性数据,包括:
Linaria haelava | Euro+Med-Plantbase - europlusmed.org
Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Linaria. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Linaria haelava (Linaria haelava) - JungleDragon
Linaria haelava is a flowering plant in the Plantaginaceae family (plantain).