How to Grow and Care for Linaria - Toadflax - Harvest to Table
Linaria–commonly called toadflax–bears trailing stems with a succession of snap-dragon-like, orange-centered purple-violet flowers in summer. Linaria can trail over walls and raised beds or spread over a gravel bed. Linaria is a genus of rather low-growing annual, biennial, and perennial plants some trailing and some erect.
Linaria vulgaris - Wikipedia
Linaria vulgaris is a food plant for a large number of insects such as the sweet gale moth (Acronicta euphorbiae), mouse moth (Amphipyra tragopoginis), silver Y (Autographa gamma), Calophasia lunula, gorgone checkerspot (Charidryas gorgone carlota), toadflax pug (Eupithecia linariata), satyr pug (Eupithecia satyrata), Falseuncaria ruficiliana ...
Linaria vulgaris 'Alba' | BBC Gardeners World Magazine
Linaria vulgaris 'Alba' is a white form of the species, with delicate white blooms on tall spikes. Grow Linaria vulgaris 'Alba' in an herbaceous border or gravel garden, where it will quickly naturalise. For best results grow in well-drained soil in full sun. Linaria ‘Alba’ is known for attracting bees and other pollinators.
Linaria vulgaris - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
One inch yellow flowers with an orange throat blossom on a long, crowded, spike-like raceme. Flowers have a thin drooping spur at the base and a slight medicinal odor. The upper lip is two-lobed.
Linaria vulgaris - FNA
2020年11月5日 · Linaria vulgaris was introduced into the northeastern United States (New England) before 1672 as an ornamental and medicinal plant (M. L. Fernald 1905b). In part from vigorous formation of adventitious shoots from the roots (T. S. Bakshi and R. T. Coupland 1960), L. vulgaris is now considered a noxious weed in nine states and four Canadian ...
Linaria Plant Growing & Care Guide for Gardeners (Toadflax)
In this Gardener's HQ guide, we'll explore cultivating Linaria Toadflax plants in your garden, indoor spaces, and other settings. Plant Characteristics: Linaria features slender, upright stems with small, snapdragon-like flowers in a variety of bright colors.
Linaria Vulgaris, Common Toadflax - American Southwest
The unusual, bicolored flowers of linaria vulgaris consist of a projecting, 2 lobed upper lip surrounded by a shorter, three-lobed lower lip, which extends backwards into a curved spur. The middle of the lower lip is colored bright orange, and is …
Butter and eggs : Linaria vulgaris - Scrophulariaceae (Figwort)
Flowers: Yellow to white in color, snapdragon-like flowers, 0.6-1.2 in (1.5-3 cm) long and occur in racemes at the apex of the stems; 15-20 flowers per stem. Fruit and seeds: Seed are 0.4-0.5 in (9-12 mm) long, each capsule contains small, flat seeds with a …
Linaria vulgaris - USDA Plants Database
Linaria vulgaris Mill. Scrophulariaceae Juss. - Figwort family P.
Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) - BBC Gardeners World …
Common toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) is a pretty and colourful native wildflower that's commonly seen growing on open sunny sites like verges, hedge banks and open meadows. In the garden, common toadflax is well suited to growing in a meadow, a naturalistic or cottage style of garden, or on a bank, where the blooms bring colour for months as well ...