Maps - Lincoln Park High School
Lincoln Park High School serves students and is located in Chicago, IL.
CPS School Locator - Chicago Public Schools
The map features color-coded pins for each school that you can click to access general information about schools such as contact information, grade category, grades and performance rating.
Lincoln Park High School Map - School - Chicago, United States …
Lincoln Park High School is a public four-year high school located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the north side of Chicago, Illinois, United States.
Attendance Boundries – Admissions – Lincoln Park High School
Lincoln Park High School is located at Armitage (2000 North) and Orchard (two blocks east of Halsted – 700 West). It is six blocks east of the Brown Line and is served by many bus routes. For the most recent updates, an address check/school …
Lincoln Park High School Chicago, IL 60614 - HomeTownLocator
Lincoln Park High School Chicago, IL 60614 School Profile with School Boundaries Map. The school profile includes the school type, level, status, number of students, teachers and student-teacher ratio. Links to the school district, parents reviews, school test scors and enrollment characteristics from the National Center for Educational ...
Lincoln Park High School - Official MapQuest
Get more information for Lincoln Park High School in Chicago, IL. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.
Lincoln Park High School
Location: 2001 N Orchard St, Chicago, IL 60614, USA, LINCOLN PARK HS-1-LPHS MB - Room 103 (35) Countdown to Spring Break is On! Did you know that LP teachers organize educational INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL opportunities every year for students? Curious what really happens on these trips? LPHS Lions are Hiring!
Satellite map of Lincoln Park High School (Chicago), United …
Lincoln Park High School (LPHS) is a public 4-year high school located in the Lincoln Park neighborhood on the north side of Chicago, Illinois, United States. The school's main present building opened in 1900. It is operated by Chicago Public Schools. The school borders Oz Park, a public park owned by the Chicago Park District. The school was ...
Lincoln Park High School Attendance Zone Map and Profile - Chicago …
Profile and Attendance Area Map for Lincoln Park High School (Chicago Public School District 299)
Chicago (Lincoln Park) - Illinois High School Association
2001 N. Orchard St. (Google map, other maps) Chicago, IL 60614. Phone: 773-534-8130. Fax: 773-534-8218. School Web Site: lincolnparkhs.org. Enrollment: 2088.5. Conference (s): Chicago Public. Nickname (s): Lions (boys), Lady Lions (girls) Colors: Navy Blue/Gold. School Type: Public Coed. County: Cook. Cities in District: Chicago 3 Million.