Khan Academy
Learn about positive and negative slopes in linear equations with this Khan Academy video tutorial.
Slope & direction of a line (video) | Khan Academy
A line that's flat has a slope of 0. If a line goes up as you move to the right, it has a positive slope. The steeper it is, the bigger the slope. If a line goes down as you move to the right, it has a negative slope. The steeper it is, the more negative the slope.
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Learn how to convert linear equations from slope-intercept form to standard form with step-by-step instructions.
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Khan Academy
Proof that perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes.
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Introducing Streaks and Levels! – Khan Academy Help Center
2024年8月2日 · Hey y’all! Khan Academy is thrilled to announce two new mechanics designed to make learning a bit more fun and motivating: Streaks and Levels!
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