Ling Tong - Wikipedia
Ling Tong is a character in the 14th-century historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, which romanticises the historical events before and during the Three Kingdoms period. Although his role in the novel is generally similar to that of his historical counterpart, his conflict with Gan Ning is highly dramatised.
Lingtong - Booth Display-Exhibition Booth-Trade Show Display …
As the first and leading exhibition manufacturer who specialized in researching, developing, and producing exhibition system products in China, Lingtong Exhibition System Co., Ltd has more than 35 years of history and experience in the exhibition industry and worked with more than 10,000 customers all over the world.
灵通展览系统股份有限公司始建于1986年,注册资金6310万元,是中国较早从事环保展览展示器材开发、研制、生产与设计服务的专业化公司。 公司总灵通展览系统股份有限公司始建于1986年,注册资金6310万元,是中国较早从事环保展览展示器材开发、研制、生产与设计服务的专业化公司。 我们提供:八通系统,框架系统,双层系统,桁架系统,板面系统,布饰系统.
灵通展览系统股份有限公司 - LingTong
灵通建立完善的环境保护管理机制,从2002年就引入ISO14001环境管理体系,持续优化环境管理制度规范,引导员工从点滴做起,节约公司和社会资源。 通过打造绿色工厂、实施节能降耗、规范绿色制造、重视合规排放等途径践行绿色低碳运营,通过精细化管理,公司成功实现了能源的高效利用和废弃物的减量化,从而达到减少温室气体排放的目的。 此外,作为践行绿色展览的领跑者,灵通一直秉承推广绿色可持续的发展理念,积极寻求对产品资源进行充分利用的有效方式,以环保 …
Ling Tong - Military Wiki | Fandom
Ling Tong (189–217), [1] [2] [3] Gongji, was a military general serving under the warlord Sun Quan in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. He started his service under Sun Quan when he was still a teenager and, throughout his entire life, had been contributing to the foundation and solidification of the state of Eastern Wu (founded by Sun Quan in 229).
灵通展览系统股份有限公司 - 爱企查
2025年2月27日 · 灵通展览系统股份有限公司是一家专精特新中小企业、高新技术企业 (2024)、小微企业、民营科技企业、科技小巨人企业,是灵通投资集团旗下的企业。 该公司成立于1994年12月23日,位于常州市武进区遥观镇长虹东路333号,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括许可项目:建设工程施工(除核电站建设经营、民用机场建设)(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动,具体经营项目以审批结果为准) 一般项目:专用设备制造(不含许可类 …
灵通展览系统股份有限公司 - LingTong
灵通展览系统股份有限公司始建于1986年,注册资金6310万元,是中国较早从事环保展览展示器材开发、研制、生产与设计服务的专业化公司。 公司总灵通展览系统股份有限公司始建于1986 …
custom trade show booths-Trade Show Display System-Lingtong …
Lingtong exhibition is a custom trade show booths,Trade Show Display System company, providing exhibition design for large exhibition enterprises at home and abroad, friends who need to contact us.
LT health, HAPPY ONER, LT exhibiton, share green and health with …
Lingtong Group consists of Lingtong Exhibition, Lintel Display, Orlanto Signage and Lingtong Tent. Since 1986, Lingtong continuously expands its business footprint. In 2020, Lingtong established Lingtong Health and Lingtong Homelife.Lingtong Group has 6 factories and more than 1,000 employees. Exported to more than 127 countries.
aluminum frame supplier-Lingtong Exhibition System
Founded in 1986, Lingtong Exhibition System Co, Ltd. was the first one who specialized in researching, developing, and producing exhibition system products in China. It is located in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Domargen, Germany.