WINkLink - The First TRON Ecosystem Comprehensive Oracle
WINkLink uses its smart contracts to connect data from the real world, and ensures data reliability through a decentralized mechanism. What does WINkLink do? Decentralized financial apps have to provide prices for token trading and loan collateral.
Wink 网页版
Wink 网页版是 AI 视频编辑工具,打造“AI+视频剪辑=修一帧,用全局”的全新创作体验,服务于视频内容创作者,AI视频前沿效果尽在 Wink 网页版。 Wink 网页版 You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.
wink-link/winklink - GitHub
WinkLink is an Oracle and simplifies the communication with blockchains. This initial implementation is intended for use and review by developers, and will go on to form the basis for WinkLink's decentralized oracle network.
WINkLink price today, WIN to USD live price, marketcap and …
WINkLink stands as a pivotal decentralized oracle network within the TRON ecosystem, designed to bridge the gap between real-world data and blockchain technologies. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that decentralized finance (DeFi) applications on the TRON network have access to secure, reliable, and real-time data.
Introduction to WINkLink | WINkLink Developer Documentation
WINkLink has created a decentralized oracle project that provides external data for smart contracts. It connects smart contracts with various real-life events while ensuring a high level of security and reliability.
Introduction to WINkLink | WINkLink Developer Documentation
#Introduction to WINkLink # What is WINkLink WINkLink is a decentralized oracle project that operates on the TRON network. For more information about the TRON Network and its development basics, please visit TRON Developer Hub (opens new window) # What is Oracle For quite some time, smart contracts powered by blockchain have been unable to directly communicate with external systems, which has ...
WINkLink Price: WIN Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today
The first TRON ecosystem comprehensive oracle, WINkLink, fully integrates the real world with the blockchain space. It provides reliable, unpredictable, and verifiable random numbers, restoring trust and improving user experience by tapping into real-world data, events, and payment systems. What makes WINkLink unique?
Link Wink - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Link Wink 是 Donuts 所创作的手机网络游戏 《东京 7th Sisters》 的原创歌曲。 做过头的程度,却又恰如其分对吧? 毫无疑问会被 Roots. 小恶魔般的 诱惑 Wink. 彻底击倒的一首歌! 而编曲者则是三浦博健氏! 本段落中所使用的歌词,其著作权属于原著作权人,仅以介绍为目的引用。 アイコンタクトしよう? もう行っちゃうけど? 届いた? 正解でしょ? 毎回本気 誘われて動悸? 会いたいと思って来たんでしょ? もう隠れててもムダ. のんきに言ってて 大丈夫かな? 君には …
Link Wink - 萌娘百科 萬物皆可萌的百科全書
Link Wink 是 Donuts 所創作的手機網路遊戲 《東京 7th Sisters》 的原創歌曲。 做過頭的程度,卻又恰如其分對吧? 毫無疑問會被 Roots. 小惡魔般的 誘惑 Wink. 徹底擊倒的一首歌! 而編曲者則是三浦博健氏! Link Wink - Roots. 本段落中所使用的歌詞,其著作權屬於原著作權人,僅以介紹為目的引用。 アイコンタクトしよう? もう行っちゃうけど? 屆いた? 正解でしょ? 毎回本気 誘われて動悸? 會いたいと思って來たんでしょ? もう隠れててもムダ. のんきに言ってて 大 …
What is WINkLink and the WIN Token? - Moralis Academy
2021年10月24日 · Powered by the WIN token, WINkLink is the first comprehensive decentralized oracle service to bring reliable real-world data onto the TRON blockchain. As the first-ever TRON oracle service, the project is looking to capture an emerging market of decentralized applications (dApps) throughout the TRON ecosystem.