LinkSprite – AI+IOT
ggml is a library that provides operations for running machine learning models. ggml model format has different versions. By 8/20/2023, there are ggjit v1, ggjt v2 and ggit v3. llama.cpp is a …
Products – LinkSprite
LinkSprite is a global leading provider of open hardware products, pcDuinos, and customized Linux/Android systems. For customized pcDuino, please visit Produce Together program. …
联思普瑞(武汉)电子科技有限公司 – 深度学习+连接世界
通过P2P网络点对点通信技术,研发出了完整的蓝牙和P2P解决方案,涉及智能穿戴、智能家居领域的PetKollar及人脸识别摄像头也都已经问世。 在年末时,董事长刘靖峰表示在2017年我们 …
LinkSprite pcDuino3
pcDuino3 is a high performance, cost effective single board computer. It runs operation systems such as Ubuntu Linux and Android. pcDuino3 has HDMI interface to output its graphic desktop …
Review: LinkSprite Mini CNC - Hackaday
2018年1月16日 · It was LinkSprite’s desktop mini CNC. They didn’t have one out on display, but there were two of them in boxes on the shelf. And boy, those boxes were small. Laughably …
LinkSprite智库 – 联思普瑞(武汉)电子科技有限公司
LinkSprite智库由100+以上Linux、电路设计和IC设计方向一线专家组成,平均从业年龄超过15年,出版相关专著20余本,主要为国内外半导体公司,电子设备厂商提供相关领域技术咨询和培 …
LinkNode D1 - LinkSprite Learning Center
LinkSprite IO is an IoT platform which supports RESTful API and WebSocket. These make the mobile APP, website application or device connect it very easily. The following I will introduce …
Artificial Intelligence – LinkSprite
LinkSprite provides the products in forms of edge computing SDK, AI enabled camera, smart terminal, and cloud platform as turn key solution. LinkSprite’s AI+IOT solutions covers home …
公司依托美国LinkSprite 电力载波通讯技术和 Wi-Fi 通讯技术为核心 , 有机地把电力载波通讯 , Wi-Fi, 以太网 , 3G/GPRS/GSM, RS485/Modbus/DMX512 等总线数据传输完美无缝的衔接在一起 , …
LinkSprite Learning Center
2022年2月11日 · BrainFrame is a smart vision platform that is built to be easy to scale, highly configurable, and deployable on-premises or to the cloud. Powered by autom.