Battle of Lipany - Wikipedia
The Battle of Lipany (in Czech: Bitva u Lipan), also called the Battle of Český Brod, was fought at Lipany 40 km east of Prague on 30 May 1434 and virtually ended the Hussite Wars.
利帕尼战役 - 百度百科
1434年5月,普罗科普(剃须的)率领的塔波尔军以大车防御工事(战车阵)驻守在布拉格东南利帕尼村(Lipany或Lipang)附近的高地上。 5月30日凌晨,由阿列什指挥的圣杯派军队二万人以佯败战术,摧垮大车防御工事,遂击败塔波尔派军约一万二千人。
Battle of Lipany | Czech history | Britannica
…defeat the Taborite army at Lipany in 1434. Despite the deaths of Žižka (1424) and Prokop (1434), the Taborites continued their struggle until a decisive battle in 1452, when Tábor itself was captured.
Battle of Lipany | Historica Wiki | Fandom
The Battle of Lipany occurred on 30 May 1434 during the Hussite Wars. In the decisive battle of the war, the moderate Ultraquists and their Catholic allies defeated the radical Taborites near Cesky Brod, pacifying Bohemia under the Holy Roman Empire's rule …
Battle of Lipany | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Battle of Lipany or Lipan, also called the Battle of Česky Brod, was fought at Lipany 40 km east of Prague on 30 May 1434 and virtually ended the Hussite Wars. An army of Utraquist nobility and Catholics, called the Bohemian League, …
Hussite Wars - World History Encyclopedia
2021年11月18日 · Tensions finally led to the Battle of Lipany on 30 May 1434 when the Utraquists allied themselves with the Catholic loyalist forces against the Taborites. The Taborites were commanded by Prokop the Bold and the general Jan Čapek of Sány, who led the cavalry.
Battle of Lipany explained - Everything Explained Today
The Battle of Lipany (in Czech: Bitva u Lipan), also called the Battle of Český Brod, was fought at Lipany 40 km east of Prague on 30 May 1434 and virtually ended the Hussite Wars.
Battle of Lipany ends Hussite Wars | MoofLife
The Battle of Lipany marked a decisive moment during the Hussite Wars in the Czech lands. The conflict arose from religious tensions between the followers of Jan Hus and the Catholic Church. The Hussites, mainly peasants and lower classes, fought against the Catholic nobility and foreign powers for religious reforms and national independence.
Battle of Lipany - NamuWiki
At the end of May 1434, the Taborite army, led by Jacob Prokop, marched towards Prague and set up camp on the plateau in the town of Lipani. Shortly thereafter, the allied Catholic-Catholic forces arrived on the plains of Lipany. The two sides looked at each other from a distance of 1 km, and a stream was flowing in the middle.
Battle of Lipany - acearchive.org
The Battle of Lipany was an epic clash fought on the fields of Lipany, Czech Republic in 1434. The conflict marked the end of the brutal and protracted Hussite Wars, which had raged on for years between the Hussite movement and the Holy Roman Empire.