Lisbeth Salander - Wikipedia
Lisbeth Salander is a fictional character created by Swedish author and journalist Stieg Larsson in his award-winning Millennium series. She first appeared in the 2005 novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, as an antisocial computer hacker with a photographic memory who teams up with Mikael Blomkvist, an investigative journalist and publisher ...
Lisbeth – Siune
Lisbeth is crafting and gathering made simple. You just tell it what items you want and how many of them, and it will get them for you. It offers an easy to use UI where you can search for item names and make orders for them.
Elsbeth (TV Series 2024– ) - IMDb
Elsbeth matches wits with a professional psychic after the stepson of one of her wealthy clients is found murdered in Central Park. Meanwhile, Kaya's dreams of becoming a detective may come true.
Lisbeth - Wikipedia
Lisbeth or Lizbeth is a feminine given name, a variant of Elizabeth. It may be:
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Lisbeth Salander:来自北欧的龙——评《龙纹身的女孩》 - 知乎
我们的主角Lisbeth,是一个经历异常坎坷的女孩。 她的成长经历虽然没有在影片中过多透露,但仅仅从影片中女主的外表,待人处事,以及经历的几件事情中,观众便可以一眼看出她的与众不同。
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Meaning, origin and history of the name Lisbeth
2023年6月9日 · German and Scandinavian short form of Elisabeth. A notable fictional bearer is Lisbeth Salander from Swedish author Stieg Larsson's novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2005) as well as its sequels and movie adaptations.
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