Dee-Lish® - Star® Roses and Plants
A tall Hybrid Tea Rose with a strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. It has a large, deep pink, non-fading bloom. Dee-Lish® is also a multiple award winner in Europe for disease resistance and aesthetics.
Dee-Lish® – Heirloom Roses
Dee-Lish® is an award-winning rose with a magnificent scent! A tall Hybrid Tea, she produces 4" deep fuchsia pink blooms in an old-fashioned shape that resist fading in the sun. Dee-Lish® has won multiple prestigious awards for her beautiful aesthetics, vigorous growth habit, …
Dee-Lish - High Country Roses
Dee-Lish is a tall Hybrid Tea rose with an old fashioned flower and a very strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. It has a large, deep pink non-fading bloom, and it makes for an excellent cut flower.
Dee-Lish® Hybrid Tea Rose - Jackson & Perkins
A hybrid tea rose, Dee-Lish® flowers in continuous waves over a long season, typically from late spring to late fall. Borne singly, the large, cupped, old-fashioned double blooms have 35 to 40 non-fading deep pink petals and a very strong verbena and citrus scent .
'Dee-Lish' rose Description - helpmefind.com
Fuchsia-red, deep pink. Strong, citrus, rose fragrance. 50 to 55 petals. Average diameter 4". Large, full (26-40 petals), borne mostly solitary, in small clusters, cupped bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Rose, Hybrid Tea, Dee-Lish®, Hybrid Tea Roses: Edmunds' Roses
Very dark buds spiral open to reveal old-fashioned, cupped and quartered blooms in an exuberant shade of nonfading, deep pink. The semi-glossy, green foliage carries an award-winning level of disease resistance. Upright, bushy plants bloom in flushes throughout the season. Zone 5 hardy.
Rosa Dee-Lish® (Hybrid Tea Rose) - Gardenia
Noted for its outstanding fragrance, award-winning Rosa Dee-Lish® is a striking Hybrid Tea rose with large, 4 in. across (10 cm), fully double, cupped, deep pink flowers, closely packed with 50-55 petals. Borne mostly solitary on long stems, the non-fading blossoms emit a very strong fragrance of verbena and citrus.
About Dee-Lish® - Grace Rose Farm (Rose Bushes)
About Dee-Lish® A vigorous bloomer with a strong citrus fragrance and intense deep pink petals, what's not to love? The tall, upright hybrid tea continually produces 4" blooms and has won many international awards for disease resistance and overall beauty. Ideal rose for any garden and as a cut flower. Rose Type: Hybr
Dee-Lish® - Antique Rose Emporium
'Dee-Lish' aside from being a specimen garden rose it is also an excellent cutting rose. The six foot, upright shrub is also know to have good disease resistance. The strongly scented, deep pink/fuchsia colored cupped blooms are award winning. Shipping calculated at checkout. This item is a recurring or deferred purchase.
Dee-Lish® Rose - Fine Gardening
A tall Hybrid Tea rose with an old fashioned flower and a very strong fragrance of verbena and citrus. It has a large, deep pink non-fading bloom, and it makes for an excellent cut flower. Noteworthy Characteristics Perfect for planting in borders, containers, or along walkways.
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