iKnow! Core 6000 Vocab - Kanshudo
Japanese Core 6000 is a set of 6000 of the most commonly-used words in Japanese curated by iKnow! ⇗. The iKnow! system presents the words along with example sentences, audio, and pictures to help reinforce the words as you learn. For those of you studying with iKnow!, we've created 60 collections in Kanshudo which map to the iKnow! list.
Japanese Core 6000 - iKnow
Hiragana and katakana are both phonetic systems, each numbering 46 basic symbols, or letters. Each hiragana symbol has an exact corresponding katakana symbol and vice versa. This series covers the basic hiragana and katakana symbols in addition to all the modified forms (those with diacritic marks and the c さらに見る.
Here's a spreadsheet of the 6000 most common Japanese ... - Reddit
2012年4月10日 · Vocabulary words were drawn from a compilation of most common words in Japanese newspapers. Beginner (400 words), Intermediate (1600 words) and Advanced (4000 words) groups were determined by cerigo iKnow.jp group. All the sentences in addition to audio recordings were done by iKnow Japan.
iKNOW: Hit List | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
With iKNOW Hit List, you gain points if you can find the answers written on the card and matching with the list title. For instance, will you be able to name the 8 James Bond movies listed on the card? You don't have to find them all, but the more you find, the more points you earn.
联想中国(Lenovo China)联想知识库,联想知识库官网-联想知识库
联想知识库(iknow.lenovo.com)是联想中国(Lenovo China)的官方知识平台,为您提供包括联想笔记本、台式机、一体机、智能手机、平板电脑、智能电视、打印机、服务器及存储、智能家居等产品的常见问题指导和帮助,覆盖操作系统安装及应用、软件应用、设备 ...
Courses - iKnow
Learn hiragana, katakana, and the top 6,000 words in Japanese. Learn the 6,000 most common Japanese words. Each item features an example sentence and audio from two popular Japanese voice talents. Master these 6,000 words to master Japanese! iKnow! Placement. Take our placement test to find a course at the right level for you.
Is anyone else loving the iKnow! site/app? : r/LearnJapanese - Reddit
I searched for something like "1,000 most common Japanese words", a list I thought I'd use to backfill some vocabulary. I found a list, then I found iKnow! that lists the most common 6,000 words! And the list is free, download and go (PDFs, I think, without having to sign up or log in.)
iKNOW Hit List SK - Spoločenská hra - Alza.sk
Hra iKNOW Hit List v slovenskej lokalizácii je plná zábavy a prekvapivých tém. Hra je určená pre dvoch až šiestich hráčov vo veku od 12 rokov. Rovnako ako v českej verzii táto hra preverí vaše znalosti, rýchlosť a predstavivosť a zároveň aj vašu …
- 评论数: 1
iKNOW Hit List - hra | Knihkupectví LUXOR
Společenská hra iKNOW Hit List je plná zábavy a překvapivých témat, která otestují vaše znalosti, ale i rychlost a představivost. Vaším úkolem bude vyjmenovat co nejvíce položek ze seznamu. Trefit jich můžete až 8! Okruh otázek je velmi široký - film, sport, příroda, zeměpis a další. Např.:
Tactic Games US iKNOW Bet-On-The-Answer Quiz Game
2014年1月1日 · EVERYONE PLAYS AT ONCE: Show what you know when it’s not your go! NOT JUST A QUIZ: Unique scoring means tactical play wins the day. COMPLETE with everything you need. Includes 1,600 questions, each with 3 clues. 2-6 players or teams; age 6+. One know-it-all won't dominate this trivia game!