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Xu J, Liu L L, Jiang L*, Xie Z H. Unraveling the mechanical and tribological properties of a novel Ti 5 Si 3 /TiC nanocomposite coating synthesized by a double glow discharge plasma technique. Ceramics International, 2013, 39:9471-9481. Jiang L, Yang H Q, Tao Y R, Yang J Y. Pyrite surface corrosion enhanced by attachment of . Acidithiobacillus ...
Pan S, Li S, Jiang S, Shin JI, Liu GG, Wu H, Lyu B Trends in Number and Appropriateness of Prescription Medication Utilization among Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the US: 2011-2020.
2010.09–2014.04,中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院,攻读博士. 2007.09–2010.07,中国矿业大学,资源与地球科学学院,攻读硕士. 2003.09–2007.07,安徽理工大学,地球与环境学院,攻读学士 . 三、工作经历. 2014.06–至今,安徽大学资源与环境工程学院,讲师....
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王烈峰 简历
担任Journal of Unexplored Medical Data等6个杂志的编委,并受邀本专业37个国际知名杂志(Carcinogenesis,Toxicology,Oncotarget,Plos one, International Journal of Cancer, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等)稿件审稿工作。 发表科研论文115篇,SCI总影响因子为241.303;SCI数据库总引用次数为2153。 主要研究领域为血管生成机制、心脑血管相关性疾 …
(9)Wu LR, Liu YT, Jiang N, Fan YX, Wen J, Huang SF, Guo WJ, Bian XH, Wang FJ, Li F, Song D, Wu JF, Jiang XS, Liu JY, He X. Ten-year survival outcomes for patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma receiving intensity-modulated radiotherapy: An analysis of 614 patients from a single center. Oral Oncol. 2017 Jun;69:26-32.
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SAGE Journals
Z.H. Zhang, R. Zhu, Y. Liu, F.F. Wang, A.Y. Jiang, R.C. Dan, Y. H. Liu, Y.X. Tang, J. Liu, J. Wang. ... (Liu et al. 2017). Briefly, mice were anesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of 10% hydrated chloral aldehyde solution (8ml/kg). Nickel-titanium closed coil springs (0.006"×0.033") with force/deflection rates of 10g and 40g, used for ...
①建立儿童哮喘分级诊疗体系,推动区域医疗资源整合:本项目率先在上海浦东、奉贤地区建立了儿童哮喘分级诊疗体系,采用“全专联合”模式,通过区域儿科医联体的建立,实现了儿科服务的共建共享。 该体系提升了基层医疗机构的诊疗能力和管理水平,确保了儿童哮喘患者能够在适当的医疗服务层级获得规范化治疗。...
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Jiang Preparation of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for selective extraction of xylazine in milk [J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2023, 58, 5: 2599-2608.
Li, L., Z. Liu, L. Jiang, and S.C. George, 2021, Organic petrology and geochemistry of Lower Cretaceous lacustrine sediments in the Chaoyang Basin (Liaoning Province, northeast China): Influence of volcanic ash on algal productivity and oil shale formation: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 233, 103653.
They are found to play a key role in academic blogs (Zou & Hyland, 2020), doctoral confirmation reports (Jiang & Ma, 2018) and final year undergraduate reports (Hyland 2006), as well as the popularising genres of TED talks (Liu et al, 2017) and 3-minute theses presentations (Hyland & …
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