China’s First Suona Ph.D. Is Ready for Her Solo - #SixthTone
2024年8月5日 · Dressed in a cap and gown, Liu Wenwen was easy to lose in the crowd at this year’s Shanghai Conservatory of Music graduation ceremony. But the achievement that brought her on stage that morning was historic: The 34-year-old had just earned China’s first Ph.D. in the suona, a traditional folk instrument.
First China suona PhD claims practising ancient musical instrument ...
2025年2月4日 · Chinese suona player Liu Wenwen has wowed the audience at the Musikverein Golden Hall in Vienna, Austria with a virtuosic performance on January 8. Liu is China’s first doctoral degree holder...
Wenwen Liu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
Exogenous phosphorus enhances cadmium tolerance by affecting cell wall polysaccharides in two mangrove seedlings Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh and Kandelia obovata (S., L … Does the effect of...
Liu Wenwen (刘文雯) - GitHub Pages
I am currently a PhD candidate in Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong. My supervisor is Dr. Shiu Yin Yuen and my co-supervisor is Dr. Chi Wan Sung. Liu, W., Yuen, S.Y., Chung, K.W. and Sung, C.W., 2022. A general-purpose multi-dimensional convex landscape generator.
刘雯雯,女,1990年出生于山东省济宁市,毕业于 上海音乐学院,上海音乐学院唢呐教师 [1] [14] [31],中国首位唢呐博士生,刘氏唢呐第十三代传人。 [9-10] [12] 刘雯雯出生在唢呐世家,4岁开始学习唢呐 [5]。 8岁时到北京、上海等地跟随名师上课。 2008年,考入上海音乐学院,师从唢呐演奏家 刘英 [9] [11] [32]。 2010年,参加五月音乐节“蝶舞春秋”音乐会,并赴 澳大利亚 、 新西兰 进行巡演 [5]。 2017年,作为新年交响音乐会特邀独奏家,在 悉尼歌剧院 演奏《百鸟朝凤》 [3] …
wenwen liu - Google 学术搜索 - Google Scholar
wenwen liu. The University of HongKong. 在 connect.hku.hk 的电子邮件经过验证 ... W Liu, H Wang, B Yang, S Zhang. Science Advances 11 (2), eads5081, 2025. 2025: Pure skin effect obeying power partition in directed graphs. W Liu, O You, B Min, S Zhang. arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.14727, 2024. 2024:
China's first suona Ph.D. student elevates musical instrument …
Liu Wenwen is China's first Ph.D. student specializing in the suona, a traditional Chinese musical instrument. She aspires to bring this instrument, widely played in rural China, onto the international stage.
刘文文 Wenwen Liu-环境与生态学院 - Xiamen University
Liu WW, Chen XC, Strong DR, Pennings SC, Kirwan ML, Chen XL, Zhang YH*. 2020. Climate and geographic adaptation drive latitudinal clines in biomass of a widespread saltmarsh plant in...
The <em>suona</em>'s second wind - Chinadaily.com.cn
2021年11月10日 · Now, the 29-year-old Liu Wenwen, who is a suona teacher at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, understands her parents' persistence and loyalty to the instrument. "I am doing the same thing now and I am proud to tell people that I play suona," she says.
Liu WENWEN | Ph.D. | Xiamen University, Xiamen | XMU | College …
Liu WENWEN | Cited by 405 | of Xiamen University, Xiamen (XMU) | Read 20 publications | Contact Liu WENWEN