LJS Online Behaviorial Trackers - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2015年1月21日 · Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in
Any LJ's use the Rockler Beadlock system...
2014年9月25日 · I just noticed on the Rocker site their Beadlock system, which I never heard of. It seems like a poor man's Domino substitute. Have any of you used it? (I guess I should have looked at the reviews first.) Now I see there are several review threads for Beadlock. Thanks, …
staining spf - LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2012年10月23日 · Hi LJs - I am a newby when it comes to using SPF, but was so enchanted by how easy it is to work with the wood and the exceptionally low cost, I just built bunk beds from a mixture of spruce, pine and fir. Now that it is time to finish the bed, I read enough to wonder if I have backed myself...
Target Coatings EM6000 or EM7000 | LumberJocks Woodworking …
2018年8月30日 · I'm going to give the Target Coatings product a try. I generally am unimpressed with waterborne finishes, but with so many LJs, who clearly know what they're doing, touting their products, it's worth a try. I have a 20% coupon, which brings the price into a palatable range. My question is, which of the products in the title do you prefer?
Why does Laguna Tools have so many unhappy customers
2012年6月5日 · I joined LJs recently after seeing that there were quite a few posts that were very critical of Laguna Tools Customer Service. I was surprised to see these, as from what I can make out, Laguna Tools goes to considerable effort to suppress this sort of thing. I know this from personal experience.
making a deadflat workbench top - LumberJocks Woodworking …
2008年1月13日 · Uh Bill, I agree. Stan was accusing ME of being the smart ass, though Stan did happen to succeed in showing all of LJs his own, minus the intelligence of course… And he did so on his very second post EVER, here on LJs. Not exactly the best way to win friends and influence people, IMO. Welcome to LJs Stan. May you find LJs a learning experience.
Miter angle settings for a five point star.
2016年4月22日 · I saw a project posted that had multiple miter angles. There were LJs asking about what the angle settings were. To answer their questions I'm posting here. Angles for any shape. Divide number of desired sides into 360. Divide the answer of that equation by 2. That is the setting number of degrees of miter to cut.
Jet 12" Jointer / Planer Combo | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2021年5月30日 · Hey LJs, I'm thinking about ordering a Jet 12" jointer / planer combo. They say that can deliver in August… My question to the team: has anyone bought one in the last year or two - and what has been your experience? Some stats on the machine: H 40" x W 34" x L 55" Cutterhead Speed: 5500 RPM; Cutterhead Diameter: 2-3/4" Table Height: 33-1/2"
Fractal Burning (my attempt) | LumberJocks Woodworking Forum
2016年8月29日 · Before I say anything, a tip 'o the hat to Jim Jakosh for presenting this technique to me here on LJs! I read with interest on Jim's adventures into this "fringe" area of woodworking and potentially re-animating corpses. Being a fan of …
holes for black pipe (drilling odd sized holes) | LumberJocks ...
2010年2月24日 · I am loving LJs. Lots of quick help out there. Here's my next question: I'm working on a franken - Rubo / New fangled styled workbench. It will have the pipe clamp workholdings like the new fangled with the thick heaviness. I'm using a solid 5" thick top and want to drill holes thru the center...