KLARUS - The Inventor of Tactical Dual-switch Flashlights
KLARUS is the inventor of the tactical dual-switch flashlight in China, has been designated as the supplier for over 58 countries' military and law enforcement agencies.
KLARUS 凯瑞兹,中国战术双开关手电发明者,是全球58个国家军警的指定照明装备。 拥有独家磁吸式充电技术和尾部战术双开关专利,产品覆盖战术手电、露营灯、头灯及附属配件等,获 …
IKARUS anti.virus Home - IKARUS Security Software
2024年4月15日 · IKARUS anti.virus Home professionally protects up to three Windows PCs, laptops and servers against viruses and malware – without putting a strain on your computer’s …
Icarus - Wikipedia
In Greek mythology, Icarus (/ ˈɪkərəs /; Ancient Greek: Ἴκαρος, romanized: Íkaros, pronounced [ǐːkaros]) was the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the architect of the labyrinth of Crete.
ikarus是一款来自奥地利的杀毒软件,杀毒能力很强,尤其对下载文件的监控很到位。 这个杀软安装后基本不用设置非常简单,有病毒或怀疑文件统一放到隔离区里方便处理,可以减小误杀带 …
Multi-mode Dual-switch Tactical Flashlight XT11GT PRO - KLARUS
Ultra-compact size and lightweight body, suitable for more reliable tactical operation and use
Flagship Tactical Flashlight XT21X PRO - KLARUS
4400 Lumens +336 meters range destroys the darkness, Patented design with 3 independent switches for the utmost control, Type-C port for recharging and powerbank mode
KLARUS Store - The Pioneer of Tactical Dual-switch Flashlights
KLARUS, the pioneer of the dual-switch tactical flashlights, is a brand that integrates fully its own R&D, manufacturing, sales and customer services. Founded in 2011, KLARUS is committed to …
IKARUS SecuritySoftware GmbH 是奥地利反病毒和内容安全行业的先驱。 自 1986 年以来,IKARUS 一直致力于开发安全解决方案,是最早的杀毒软件供应商之一。 他们 …
ikarus 30天试用KEY申请方法分享_国外杀毒软件_安全区 卡饭论坛
2021年8月19日 · 2009年时,ikarus (伊卡璐思)是个很热门的杀软,因为查杀率高、误报率高,深受饭友们热捧,饭友还自制了汉化文件一度还被官方采用,可谓是蜜月期。 后来因为对 …