Llama .380 | Handgun Forum
2008年2月17日 · Last year someone offered a Llama MicroMax .380 for sale on another board, $200. Geography prevented me buying that one, but I started looking for them locally. A few weeks later in Cabelas, I spied a small 1911 for $199. Of course it was a Llama .380, and I bought it immediately. turned out to have been made in 1946, and was mint, apparently ...
Fixed the Llama - Handgun Forum
2008年7月27日 · Hi guys new member. I have just purchased a very nice Llama Micro Max .380. I have gone to the range this past week and shot very good groups. To my point. As long as I could keep the magazine in it on recoil or the slide reloading. Am I mistakenly hitting the release button or is their a malfunction. Also I can pull the magazine out rather easily.
Llama's little .380 1911 - Gun and Game Forum
2013年8月12日 · The Llama Especial, also known as the Micro-Max, or the Llama IIIa, is a 7/8th copy of a 1911Ai pistol, chambered in .380 caliber. The Especial is a great little shooter that is much stronger than the typical blow-back operated .380s we usually run across. It is a real fun gun to shoot. I ran across my first Especial in 1973.
Looking for Llama .380 information - Handgun Forum
2012年6月24日 · My wife has a Llama .380 she inherited from her step-father. I'm trying to identify it. I know the basic history of Llama but I'm not sure exactly what model we have. The serial number is 563842 which I *think* puts production somewhere around 1970-ish.
llama .380 mini 1911 rear sight - Handgun Forum
2016年2月7日 · llama .380 mini 1911 rear sight Jump to Latest 2.8K views 1 reply 2 participants last post by Steve M1911A1 Feb 8, 2016
"Baby Rock" 380 disappointing.... - Gun and Game Forum
2017年1月21日 · Just bought and tried out the Rock Island (Armscor) "Baby Rock" a miniture M1911A1 chambered in .380 ACP. Paid a hefty price OTD, more than $530. It was 'OK' trigger could have been smoother. It seemed to hold no better than 5" circle at 10 yds. Had 3 failures to feed in 75 rds. I have 4 Llama...
Mag options for Llama .380 III-A - Handgun Forum
2011年1月30日 · I have been given a Llama .380 III-A and I am trying to find additional magazines for it. I am not too familiar with it and I do not see a date anywhere on the packaging. I have read that there are two different types -- one with a wide base and one that is narrow. Mine does have a small lip; which apparently implies the wide base.
Llama .380 | Page 2 | Handgun Forum
2007年12月24日 · Handgun Forum Discussion. General Semi-Auto. Llama .380
llama micromax380 - Which Clip? Recessed? Non-Recessed? Best …
2014年5月13日 · Hello, I am new to the forums and i was hoping one of you could help me. I have a Llama MicroMax 380 and i want to buy a new clip for it because it jams on me. I had a lot of trouble releasing the clip when i shot the last round at the gun range. The was stuck in there some how. Does this...
Colt 380 Jam - Gun and Game Forum
2010年10月27日 · Before I had the Colt .380 I bought a new Llama .380 and it was a supreme POS, don't think it ever went more than 2 or 3 rounds without a misfeed, jam, or failure to eject. One of the suggestions at the time about the failure to extract was to check and make sure the chamber was properly sized and no burr's, etc that might be hampering shell ...