FC21HS (LLDPE grade)- SPDC- Technical Datasheet - Omnexus
2024年3月28日 · FC21HS by SPDC is a general purpose, linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) grade. Contains an antiblocking, slip agent and exhibits high clarity. FC21HS is designed for processing blown film applications.
LLDPE FC21HS/东方石化物性表/性能参数/原料技术参数-中塑在线
中塑在线提供LLDPE FC21HS/东方石化物性表数据,了解LLDPE FC21HS/东方石化材料状态、特性、用途、加工方法、形态、物理性能等物性参数。
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QAMAR FD21HS is a Linear Low Density Polyethylene material. It is available in North America for blown film or cast film. 1 of 2 UL and the UL logo are trademarks of UL LLC © 2014. All Rights Reserved. UL Prospector | 800-788-4668 or 307-742-9227 | www.ulprospector.com.
QAMAR LLDPE for SPDC Ltd. | UL Prospector
Access the complete datasheet details for QAMAR FC21HS when you create your free account with Prospector. You’ll find complete information on physical, mechanical and hardness specs. Material Status
Polyethylene|SPDC LTD.
LLDPE (Linear Low Density Polyethylene) HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) PE is a primary component in a varieties of products such as Food packaging material・shopping bag
QAMAR LLDPE - Chemate Group
QAMAR is a brandname of LLDPE (butene type) produced by Eastern Petrochemical Company “SHARQ” using Unipol process and solely marketed through SPDC LTD.
Hạt nhựa nguyên sinh LLDPE FC21HS - randomplastic.com.vn
Sản phẩm LLDPE không độc hại, không vị, không mùi và có các hạt màu trắng sữa. So với LDPE, nó có ưu điểm sức mạnh cao, dẻo dai tốt, độ cứng cao, khả năng chịu nhiệt, chịu lạnh ...
FC21HS Blow up Ratio: 2 to 4 Screw Type: LLDPE Screw Die Lip Gap: 2.0 to 3.0 mm Air Ring: Single or Dual Slit (Wide die) Generic LLDPE This data represents typical values that have been calculated from all products classified as: Generic LLDPE This information is provided for comparative purposes only. Notes
QAMAR FC21HS是一种线性低密度聚乙烯材料,。 该产品在北美洲、非洲和中东、欧洲或亚太地区有供货,加工方式为:吹塑薄膜。 QAMAR FC21HS的主要特性有: Antiblock 软件 滑动 透明度 QAMAR FC21HS的典型应用领域为:电影. 1通过这些链接您能够访问供应商资料。 我们尽量保证及时更新资料;不过您可以从供应商处了解最新资料。 QAMAR FC21HS是一种线性低密度聚乙烯材料,。 该产品在北美洲、非洲和中东、欧洲或亚太地区有供货,加工方式为:吹塑薄膜。 QAMAR …
LLDPE|FC21HS|沙特QAMAR 塑料原料 规格 用途 参数 物性表 – 找 …
这是沙特QAMAR生产的LLDPE|FC21HS物性表。 沙特QAMAR的LLDPE|FC21HS 通用吹膜特性:高透明度.薄膜的加工条件:树脂温度 200℃ 吹膜率 2.0 挤出机 40mmф L/D=24 模具直径 75mmф.