QOS中 PQ,CQ.RR,WFQ,CBWFQ,LLQ区分 - Cisco Community
Jun 29, 2015 · QOS-CQ Customized Queue 用户定制队列 CQ使用了17个子队列(其中0子队列是PQ队列,优先级很高,留给系统使用),CQ使用WRR(Round-Robin)机制。首先谈谈RR机制,RR在处理完一个队列的一个数据包之后,会接着处理另一个队列的一个数据包,一直下去,最后又从第一个队列开始轮流处理每个队列中的数据包,RR中 ...
Solved: LLQ understanding - Cisco Community
May 6, 2010 · Hello all, I have an issue with theory and practice with LLQ. I understand that LLQ allow you to prioritize packets (e.g. voice) up to a certain limit (bandwidth) when available bandwidth is fully utilized. When there is enough bandwidth free, than this LLQ limit can overcome. Let me give you an e...
what is the difference between LLQ and CBWFQ?
Mar 3, 2011 · As per my understanding in LLQ have dedicated bandwidth and it will use the excess bandwidth if there is no congestion. CEWFQ will use other bandwidth and if there is any congestion then only it will use the reserved bandwidth? Let's take the example. Policy Map QOS Class VOIP priority 10 (%) set dscp ef Class Call-Signaling
Parent and child policy maps with LLQ - Cisco Community
May 30, 2021 · I'm trying to configure LLQ with parent and child policies on my two 4221 routers and I'm having trouble in understanding how LLQ works with the different policies so I'm hoping someone could help me with answering a few questions. Pretty much I've got a gig interface that I want to overall limit 2 ...
Cisco IOS ソフトウェア プラットフォームでのキュー制限および …
Feb 8, 2011 · llq/cbwfq にパケットが許可される前に実行されるため、llq は、設定プライオリティ レートに限定されます。 要約すると、輻輳時には、llq の基本コンポーネントである追加キューイング遅延を発生させるよりは、 llq データを廃棄することが推奨されます。
QoS, CBWFQ , and LLQ - Cisco Community
Jun 28, 2011 · LLQ will also rate-limit its traffic to what's been specified when there's interface congestion. Some examples for your question: Interface congested: You could have 0 Mbps LLQ and up to 10 Mbps for everything else. You could have 1 Mbps LLQ and up to 9 Mbps for everything else. You could have 5 Mbps LLQ and up to 5 Mbps for everything else.
LLQ QoS - Cisco Community
Apr 4, 2007 · I am preparing for my CCIP and the QoS exam seems to be the most tough one. Say i design a LLQ technique like the below class-map match-all voip match ip DSCP EF policy-map VOIP class voip priority 1024 class class-default fair-queue int fa 0/0 bandwidth 5120 service-policy ouput VOIP If i do a...
LLQ Bandwidth Provisioning - Cisco Community
Aug 18, 2011 · Jon, the LLQ doesn't expand, it's strictly a question, I believe, whether its queue contains packets. No, it doesn't, and if i said anything that gave that impression then apologies. I guess it was this sentence . I think the LLQ can expand into the available bandwidth but that any additional bandwidth is not treated with priority.
Qos -LLQ (1PQ+ CBWFQ - Cisco Community
Sep 27, 2006 · I have 1 PQ (LLQ) and 4 CBWFQ) in my configuration. I alloted bw 80% LLQ with cir and remaing 20% amonng other 4 CBWFQ. I have one doubt: This will support the allocation of unused bandwidth of PQ and WFQ classes to other WFQ classes. OR. allocation of unused bandwidth of only WFQ classes to other WFQ classes. Thanks in advance. Rgds. Chintan
ask a CBWFQ and LLQ question - Cisco Community
Mar 18, 2008 · "if i config LLQ for bandwidth 1m on 2M E1 line, and business data 0.5M(CBWFQ),defautl class 0.5M(CBWFQ). can i config this llq burst to 2M if line does not congest." LLQ should allow up to the full 2 Mbps, if there's no congestion. If there's congestion, LLQ will police itself at the rate specified. More on bursting, below.