Timmy with a LM1458 chip! Yes guy! | Page 2 | The Gear Page
Nov 29, 2005 · Hey Paul, Tried the LM1458 chip as you suggested and WOW what a difference. It's soooooo much smoother with my rig. Got the chip down at the local electronics store (pack …
Walrus Audio Mayflower vs Timmy with LM1458 chip
Oct 12, 2012 · Both pedals are open and transparent, but the stock Timmy is gritty while the Mayflower is smooth. By changing the chip in a Timmy to a LM1458 are these pedals pretty …
Just put LM1458 chip in Tim... | Page 2 - The Gear Page
May 2, 2012 · Well internet wisdom says you HAVE to second guess Paul C on his choice of chips :mob What is this...internet wisdom? Where do I get it? :huh:p
Accidental discovery SD9>Timmy - The Gear Page
Oct 21, 2006 · I use my pedals in a looper and had the Timmy in front of the SD9, it worked ok boosting the SD9 but I really didn't use it that way, just one or the other. I got a MXR MC-401 …
Timmy vs Blues Driver... Similar? | The Gear Page
Feb 18, 2017 · I've got a Keeley-mod (not done by Keeley, but same circuit) BD-2 and a Timmy v2 with LM1458 chip. BD-2 gain doesn't get as low as the Timmy. Bass and Treble cuts are far …
Timmy's arrived! | Page 3 - The Gear Page
Mar 10, 2006 · Hey Realfi, I thought you had the perfect setup now? And now a Timmy? Hah! A gearhead is always a gearhead, what can I say!
Any love for MI Audio? - The Gear Page
Oct 26, 2008 · I genuinely believe that MI Audio are one of the best "boutique" pedal builders going at the moment. I've recently picked up a Crunch Box and a Blues Boy Deluxe, and I'm …
DOD FX45 Stereo Reverb Power Requirements - The Gear Page
Nov 26, 2015 · Hi, I just picked up a NOS (!) DOD FX45 Stereo Reverb: this is an ANALOG reverb, can I run it at 12v? It says 10v on the bottom plate...100mA outlet would be enough? …
OpAmp Mythbuster Video - The Gear Page
Jul 20, 2009 · OpAmp Mythbuster Video by Visual Sound USA. Pretty interesting, check it out! Especially for all you cork sniffers:aok...
Timmy: is it really al that it is cracked up to be?
Jan 3, 2014 · Does what it is supposed to do in spades. Sounds like your amp and guitar with a little more gain. Just don't turn the gain up too much. It's easy on the wallet and the builder is …