Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2020年4月6日 · LMDZ vertical grids used for the reference configurations of the successive phases of the CMIP exercise with the IPSL model showing the altitude in y axis as a function of the layer thickness in x. A focus on the first 3 km is shown in the right panel.
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Grids in LMDZ Separation between physics and dynamics: “dynamics”: solving the GFD equations on the sphere; usually with the assumption of a hydrostatic balance and thin layer approximation. Valid for all terrestrial planets. “physics”: (planet-specific) local processes, local to individual atmospheric columns.
The LMDZ4 general circulation model: climate performance and ...
2006年8月8日 · LMDZ is the second generation of a climate model developed at Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (Sadourny and Laval 1984; Le Treut et al. 1994, 1998). The dynamical equations are discretised on the sphere in a staggered and longitude-latitude Arakawa C-grid (see e.g. Kasahara 1977 ).
Antarctic Water Stable Isotopes in the Global Atmospheric Model …
2025年2月28日 · In this study, we use isotopic observations in Antarctica to assess the skill of the isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation model LMDZ6, nudged to ERA5 above the boundary layer (1980–2023 period). The model has no significant bias for time-mean temperature and snow accumulation over the ice sheet.
LMDZ — DART 11.10.6 documentation - University Corporation …
The Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique Zoom (LMDZ) model is a global atmospheric model developed by the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) in France. It serves as the atmospheric component of the IPSL Integrated Climate Model.
Welcome to the DYNAMICO website - Jussieu
The primary goal of DYNAMICO is to re-formulate in LMD-Z the horizontal advection and dynamics on a icosahedral grid, while preserving or improving their qualities with respect to accuracy, conservation laws and wave dispersion. In turn, a …
LMDZ - Institut Pierre Simon Laplace
Atmospheric Transport Model LMDz. When assimilating atmospheric concentration measurements (e.g. CO 2), the transport model becomes an essential component of the Data Assimilation System that relates the surface fluxes to the atmospheric concentration data.
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2020年8月26日 · Compared to the previous version of the model (LMDZ5A), LMDZ6A better represents the low-level cloud distribution in the tropical belt, and low-level cloud reflectance and cover are closer to the PARASOL and CALIPSO-GOCCP observations. Mid-level clouds, which were mostly missing in LMDZ5A, are now better represented globally.
horizontal and vertical grid of the atmospheric component, LMDZ, constitutes a major difference compared to the pre-vious IPSL-CM4 version used for CMIP3. From imposed-SST (Sea Surface Temperature) and coupled numerical experiments, we systematically analyze the impact of the horizontal and vertical grid resolution on the simulated cli-mate.
Impact of the LMDZ atmospheric grid configuration on the …
2012年7月26日 · The refined horizontal and vertical grid of the atmospheric component, LMDZ, constitutes a major difference compared to the previous IPSL-CM4 version used for CMIP3. From imposed-SST (Sea Surface Temperature) and coupled numerical experiments, we systematically analyze the impact of the horizontal and vertical grid resolution on the simulated ...