What's the difference Between LME49600 and LME49610? - diyAudio
2010年2月13日 · The LME49610 has a higher quiescent current and somewhat wider bandwidth, based on the summary on the web site. It also operates on higher power supply voltages (+/-22V max vs. +/-18V). There may be other differences if you carefully compare the two datasheets.
GB for LME49610 discontinued TI audio buffer | diyAudio
2016年3月26日 · GB for LME49610 discontinued TI audio buffer (and order for LME49870 op amp) The LME49610 group buy is now complete and all LME49870 op-amps have been sold.
What chip is the LME49610 successor? - diyAudio
2016年8月9日 · LME49610 is running with max 22V, the LME49600 with max 18V. No real drop-in replacement in some cases. But why do they discontinue that chip. No business case anymore? e.g NE5534 exists for over 30 years...
What's the difference Between LME49600 and LME49610?
2010年2月13日 · LME49610 appears to have slightly higher bandwidth, at a higher current consumption. I think the part is just out.
LME49610 Reference Schematic - diyAudio
2017年5月22日 · Voltage Gain in LME49610 Reference Schematic I am using PCM1794A with the following output stages (from datasheet, with 2Vrms out): I want to use LME49610 as my buffer to my headphone, with the reference schematic in the datasheet: As seen from the LME49610 reference schematic, the first...
My LME49600/49610 PCB design - diyAudio
2012年7月3日 · Hi All Attached is a pic of my 4-layer multi-channel LME49600/49610 PCB design originally inspired by diyAudio Member OPC. I originally designed the PCB for a 10 channel mini surround sound system but I also added provisions for multiple channel configurations. The PCB can be configured using...
New 4 layer LME49610 Headphone Amplifier D1 - diyAudio
2013年10月5日 · 4 layer PCB:D The corner 1234 letter is printed on different layer to make sure the pcb manufacturer do not reverse the middle two layer arrangement in factory Many people blame against the distance of decouple distance, and yes, it do make a different. Total 4000uf panasonic low esr...
LTSpice Models Required - OPA2132 and LME49610 - diyAudio
2019年10月5日 · Does anyone have the LTSpice models for the following two ic's - OPA2132 and LME49610? Thank you,
LME49710 into higher class A - diyAudio
2013年1月14日 · Class A bias current level depends on the load - heavier load, higher Vswing requires higher bias to remain in Class A I've measured some op amp's distortion rising quickly at even 1/2 of the rated output current - so thats another side of the box and people with distortion analyzers claim you can't predict which rail the current bias for the output stage should be drawn form for greatest ...
Lme49600 vs TPA6120 - diyAudio
2021年10月27日 · Hey guys just wondering what your opinion is on either of them and if anyone ever did an ab comparison between the two. I find the 49600 to be very good in my composite design, almost reference level, but wonder if 6120 can be even better