LMO14…/LMO24…/LMO44…程控器_燃烧控制器_产品分类_中文站 …
LMO用于1级或2级燃气燃烧器或带间歇运行模式燃油燃烧器的调试和监控。 标准和认证: 使用寿命 正常运行模式下启动250,000次。
型号:LMO24.111C2,订货号:LMO24.111C2,加工定制:否,货号:LMO24.111C2,别名:控制器,外形尺寸:11,品牌:SIEMENS/西门子,是否跨境出口专供货源:否。 公司其他产品: 全新SIEMENS西门子LMO24.111C2机械燃烧器控制器说明书燃烧机程控器LMO24.111C2百...
Microcontroller-based oil burner controls for the startup, supervision and control of forced draft oil burners in intermittent operation. Standard versions with an oil throughput up to 30 kg / h, special versions above 30 kg / h.
LMO24.111C2 - Oil burner control, 2-stage, QRB/QRC, TSA=10s, …
2025年3月1日 · Siemens Industry Catalog - Building Technologies - HVAC products - OEM products - CCS - Commercial burners - LOK16.250A17 - LMO24.111C2 - Oil burner control, 2-stage, QRB/QRC, TSA=10s, t3n=10s, AC230V
LMO24.111C1 Oil burner control - Industry Mall - Siemens
2025年2月1日 · Siemens Industry Catalog - Building Technologies - HVAC products - OEM products - CCS - Residential burners - LMO24.111C1 - LMO24.111C1 - LMO24.111C1 Oil burner control
Oil Burner Controls LMO14 LMO24 LMO44 - Data Sheet for Product - Siemens
2023年9月7日 · CC1N7130en_Oil Burner Controls LMO14 LMO24 LMO44. Oil Burner Controls LMO14 LMO24 LMO44 - Data Sheet for Product 27902_en.pdf
西门子 LMO24.255C2 230v 燃烧器控制箱 - Comtherm Ltd
LMO24.255C2 是一款基于微控制器的燃油燃烧器 控制箱,用于间歇运行中强制通风燃油燃烧器的启动、监控和控制。 最大油吞吐量高达 30 kg/h。 LMO24 控制箱具有:油预热器的桥接触点、预热器时间监控、通过数字信号处理实现精确且可重复的控制序列、LMO 限制重复次数并具有故障状态和运行状态消息的多色指示。 如果电源电压降至约 AC 165 V 以下,电子电路将确保燃气燃烧器控制装置阻止燃烧器启动,或者在不释放燃料的情况下启动锁定。 LM24.255C2 控制箱设计 …
Microcontroller-based oil burner controls for the startup, supervision and control of forced draft oil burners in intermittent operation. Maximum oil throughput up to 30 kg/h, also above 30 kg/h on some versions. The LMO14..., LMO24..., LMO44... and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integrate the burner controls in their products.
LMO24.255C2 - Oil burner control, 2-stage, QRB/QRC, TSA=5s
2025年3月1日 · Siemens Industry Catalog - Building Technologies - HVAC products - OEM products - Special sortiment - CCS - LFS1.21A2 - LMO24.255C2 - Oil burner control, 2-stage, QRB/QRC, TSA=5s, t3n=5s, AC230V
SIEMENS LMO14 SERIES MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Microcontroller-based oil burner controls for the startup, supervision and control of forced draft oil burners in intermittent operation. Standard versions with an oil throughput up to 30 kg / h, special versions above 30 kg / h. The LMO14..., LMO24..., LMO44...