Iveco LMV - Wikipedia
The Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) is a 4WD tactical vehicle developed by Iveco, and in service with several countries. After its adoption by the Italian Army as the Veicolo-Tattico-Leggero-Multiruolo (VTLM) Lince ("Light tactical multirole vehicle Lynx"), [ 5 ] it won the Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (FCLV) competition of the ...
Iveco to supply 60 Lynx LMVs for Russian Army
2012年1月26日 · The LMV M65 Lynx is a four-wheel-drive multirole armoured vehicle designed primarily for strategic and tactical mobility with a high level of protection against anti-tank and anti-personnel mines.
老虎vs依维柯 - zh-cn.topwar.ru
2011年5月13日 · 依维柯LMV M65本身体积更小,设计用于携带5人员,包括驱动程序。 老虎可以携带8乘客,不包括司机。 在“意大利”汽车内部安装了舒适的座椅,GAZ-233036座椅更简单,但功能更强大。 科拉布林指出,如果你把家用车辆载员舱里的椅子拆开,它们可以很容易地用作床,并且可以用它们运送伤员。 此外,车长和驾驶员座椅的小靠背可以在必要时快速更换人员。 目前尚不清楚俄罗斯“意大利”的未来是什么。 但现在,专家们正在关注这样一个事实,即即使 …
俄军空降兵实战演习 “猞猁”装甲车功能很强大 - 网易
2017年7月18日 · “猞猁”装甲车其实就是意大利依维柯公司生产的LMV M65。 该车引进后,极大提升了俄军轻装部队的装备水平。 目前,在沃罗涅日市的俄意联合企业生产“猞猁”装甲车。 依维柯LMV M65出口到十多个国家和地区。 以其出色的性能受到各方好评。 特别声明:以上内容 (如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。
IVECO LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) - Military Factory
2022年3月1日 · The LMV was originally known to Iveco under the model number of M65E19 WM-4x4. Initial pilot vehicles were readied in 2001 for testing. At its core, the LMV is a 6.5 ton system with an overall length of 4.7 meters, a width of 2 meters and a height of 1.95 meters. It features a crew of one+four and a "stretched" model adds two more passengers.
【标清】俄军中的LMV M65<猞猁>装甲车 - 哔哩哔哩
优酷转载 根据与意大利依维柯防务车辆公司的合同,俄罗斯陆军在2012年接收首批为57辆的"猞猁"轻型多用途装甲车(lmv),这些装甲车将主要部署于南部军区。2011年12月,俄罗斯国防部与依维柯公司签订了价值2400万美元的合同,为俄方提供60辆"猞猁"lmv的半散件组装件 ...
Russian Airborne Troops to receive new batch of Rys armoured …
2017年4月6日 · The Rys (Lynx) is a Russian version of Iveco LMV-M65 vehicles. The Russian LMV developed by Iveco Russia and Oboronservis LLC joint venture company. The reconnaissance units of the Russian Airborne Forces to receive a new special military equipment - by the end of April, the new batch of 40 armored vehicles Rys (Lynx) are expected to …
Ukraine, among the Russian army armored vehicles also the …
2022年3月15日 · Among the Russian military convoys in the offensive in Ukraine also parade the Lmv Rys light armored vehicles, known as Lince in Italy, assembled in Russia under license from Iveco. Since 2012, the Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) has been part of the equipment of the Russian Armed Forces.
Russian Military to Acquire Italian Armoured Vehicles
2010年8月15日 · The LMV M65 is a light multirole armoured vehicle designed for strategic and tactical mobility with a high level of protection against anti-tank. The Russian Defence Ministry is to set up a joint assembly line with Italian automaker Iveco to …
Бронированный автомобиль LMV M65 "Рысь" (Iveco LMV M65…
Автомобиль предназначен для использования в качестве средств обеспечения подвижного личного состава и выполнения задач служебно-боевой деятельности разных родов войск и силовых структур, а также в качестве транспортной базы носителя легких систем вооружения, связи и военной техники.