71210 | LND | Nuclear Radiation Detectors
LND | Nuclear Radiation Detectors > Products > 71210. 71210. Energy compensated gm detector. Download Specifications in .pdf format. Request a quote. Compare. General Specifications. MAXIMUM LENGTH (INCH/MM) 1.82/46.2: MAXIMUM DIAMETER (INCH/MM) 0.84/21.4: GAS FILLING:
Founded 1964 Designers & Manufacturers of Nuclear Radiation Detectors. 71210 Energy Compensated Gm Detector GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS.
LND 71210 Energy Compensated GM Detector - lampes et tubes
The LND 71210 energy response function is relatively flat from about 50 KeV to 1 MeV, making it a good selection for monitoring most nuclear power generated gamma-emitting radionuclides, typical of what might be released during an accident or from a facility planned release.
7121 | LND | Nuclear Radiation Detectors - LND, Inc
recommended operating voltage (volts) 500: recommended anode resistor (meg ohm) 10: operating voltage range (volts) 450 - 650: maximum plateau slope (%/100 volts)
LND, Inc | 71210 - Datasheet PDF & Tech Specs - Datasheets.com
2016年12月5日 · LND, Inc's 71210 is a compensated gm detector 500v 3-pin. in the sensors, specialized sensors category. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of electronics components.
LND, Inc. Energy Compensated Gm Detector LND 71210
LND 71210: Product Name Energy Compensated Gm Detector: Types of Radiation Detectors Geiger-Mueller Counter Unlock Full Specs to access all available technical data Similar Products. Hamamatsu Photonics Europe GmbH Infrared detector modules with preamplifier ...
Geiger Muller Tubes LND 71210, 71215, Nuclear Radiation Detectors
Geiger Muller Tubes LND 71210, 71215, Nuclear Radiation Detectors. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MAXIMUM LENGTH (INCH/MM) - 1.82/46.2 MAXIMUM DIAMETER (INCH/MM) - 0.84/21.4 GAS FILLING - Ne +Halogen EFFECTIVE LENGTH (INCH/MM) - 1.5/38.1 CATHODE MATERIAL (INTERNAL/EXTERNAL) - 446 Stainless Steel ...
XH-3012 系列固定式4通道核辐射监测仪-辐射监测仪器-西安朗弘 …
2023年12月19日 · 仪器采用美国LND.INC公司的71210能量补偿GM计数管或者英国CENTRONIC公司的ZP系列卤素GM计数管,探测器被放置于现场,用线缆与主机连接,监测主机安装在监控室内,RS485网络连接至中央处理中心。 应用领域. 工业应用放射源 医院γ刀治疗 无损探伤 区域中子、γ监测 X射线诊断 同位素应用 辐照中心 核电站. 仪器特点. 4 通 道:可外接4个探头. 显 示 器:4.3吋触摸屏(工业级,可选5、6、8、10、12、15等尺寸触摸屏),全中文软件,参 …
Detector type LND* 71210 LND* 71210 (LD) LND* 7149 (HD) LND* 7807 (LD) LND* 7149 (HD) Measuring range . H*(10) 50 nSv/h - 20 mSv/h 50 nSv/h - 20 mSv/h (LD) 1 µSv/h - 2 Sv/h (HD) 10 nSv/h - 1.5 µSv/h (LD) 1 µSv/h - 2 Sv/h (HD) Dimensions (Ø × l) 69 × 359 mm 69 × 548 mm 69 × 805 mm Weight 0.73 kg 0.91 kg 1.32 kg Sensitivity (Cs-137) 1.4 ...
LND, Inc. Radiation Detectors Data Sheets | GlobalSpec
LND, INC. Radiation detectors are used for medical diagnoses, radioactive dating measurements, and measurements of background radiation, activity levels and radiation doses. Find LND, Inc. Radiation Detectors Data Sheets on GlobalSpec.