three formulation candidates presented, IMX-103, is based on a nitrate salt eutectic known as the DEMN explosive. The DEMN formulation not only exceeds the TNT performance requirement, but also passed 4 of 6 IM tests including the shaped charge jet impact (SCJI) test.
First formulation to pass sympathetic detonation in 155 mm M795 artillery projectile WITHOUT a barrier!
IMX-103 Fail - Equivalent to TNT (Type IV) Pass. Sympathetic Detonation SD Test Setup Donor Side Witness Plate. Mil-Std-2105C, Diagonal Configuration, Witness Plate & Pressure Gages. Donor side witness plate. Acceptor side witness plate. Donor. Base. Plate. A c c e p t …
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Bianka 035 IMX.ams на NodeSearch. ... bianka ams 180 set; early spring perch fishing tips; fishing,Светосильный объектив с диафрагмой f/1.8, угол обзора уменьшили со 160 до 140 градусов, но и этого вполне, Imx . to bianka 190 на...
IMX-101 - Wikipedia
IMX-101 is a high-performance insensitive high explosive composite mixture developed by BAE Systems and the United States Army to replace TNT in artillery shells.
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IMX103 Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: 2 Constant Voltage and 4 Channel Dimming LED Backlight CC Controller. 5 Results. Part #: IMX101U. Datasheet: 1MbKb/22P. Manufacturer: Power Integrations, Inc..
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- 评论数: 183
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