SSS Salary Loan - Social Security System
A member- borrower may file/submit the salary loan application online thru the My.SSS Website, or thru the MySSS App. Member-borrower shall enroll/nominate his/her valid bank account in the Disbursement Account Enrollment Module (DAEM) and shall be used as mode of disbursement of salary loan application by accessing the member’s My.SSS account.
Loans | Republic of the Philippines Social Security System
A cash loan granted to retirement pensioners to assist with their immediate financial needs at a low interest rate. Read More. A short-term member loan program granted to eligible member-borrowers whose residence is in the areas affected and suffered losses or damages to their properties located in the calamity-stricken areas. Read More.
SSS Salary Loan 2025: Requirements, Application Process, and More
2024年3月27日 · As a regular paying Social Security System (SSS) member, you’re entitled to borrow money to meet your short-term credit needs. The SSS salary loan is a cash loan granted to all SSS members with the total amount you can borrow depending on the number of …
The member-borrower shall notify the Member Services Section of the nearest SSS branch of any change in address/employer thru mail/over-the-counter (OTC) or e-mail: [email protected]. The notice shall include the SS number, name and signature of the member-borrower.
Scanned LOA are now eligible for SSS Loan!
The SSS, adhere to their core to help and serve the Filipino people took this matter into consideration and announced that all SSS branches nationwide will now accept scanned copies of Letter of Authority or LOA in applying for their Loan Restructuring Program or LRP that will be sent thru email by the borrower if ever he or she does not have ...
Pay Contributions and Loans - Social Security System
Qualifying for SSS benefits or loans will always depend on a member’s contributions. Pay your contributions regularly to get the most out of your SSS membership!
How to Apply for SSS Loan – Requirements and Steps
2019年7月1日 · SSS Salary Loan is one of the most common benefits that members take advantage of because of the relatively low interest rate and the length of time they allow you to pay the loan back. A salary loan refers to a borrowed sum of money from an employer or a government institution like SSS or PAG-IBIG to which you have contributed money on a ...
SSS Salary Loan | Online Application Requirements and Procedures
2020年9月28日 · There are two ways to apply for the Salary Loan. One is to go directly to the nearest SSS office along with necessary application requirements, fill out the loan application form, and submit. The other is to do the online loan application available at the sss web portal or SSS Mobile Application.
SSS Salary Loan Application, Processing and Requirements
Before considering other financial institutions, it is better to take advantage of your Philippine Social Security System privilege which is the salary loan. The interest rate is only 10% per annum, diminishing principal balance and payable in 24 months. Upon meeting requirements, a member can borrow an amount equivalent of one or two month salary.
How to Apply for SSS Salary Loan Online? - SSS Inquiries
2020年4月4日 · Log in to your My.SSS account at the SSS website. Click E-SERVICES and then “Apply for Salary Loan” as shown in the screenshot below. Your SSS Salary Loan proceeds may be directly deposited to your Bank Account.