Alticor - Wikipedia
Alticor is a privately owned American corporation run by the DeVos and Van Andel families. [5] It was established in 1999 to serve as the parent company for a handful of business ventures, most notably the multi-level marketing company Amway and Amway Global, and a manufacturing and distribution company, Access Business Group. [6] [7]
安利的发展历史? - 百度知道
2007年6月15日 · 业时,公司只有5名员工,办公面积仅223平方米,产品也只有一种——乐新多用途浓缩清洁剂(loc), 但这款产品却是当时市场上率先采用具生物降解性表面活性剂的清洁剂。
2025年解析安利销售策略直销模式深度探讨 - 道客巴巴
2025年2月6日 · 开业时,公司只有有5名员工,办公面积仅3平方米,产品也只有一种——乐新多用途浓缩清洁剂(LOC)。 000年,公司将安利Amway、捷星Quixtar和捷通AccessBusinessGroup合并成为安达高公司AlticorInc.。 安达高公司在全球现拥有13000名员工,390万名推销人员。 199年,安利(中国)日用品有限公司成立,成为国家工商行政管理局批准 …
L.O.C. Trademark - Alticor Inc. - Ada, MI - Bizapedia
L.O.C. is a Trademark by Alticor Inc., the address on file for this trademark is 78-2m 7575 Fulton Street East, Ada, MI 49355
紐崔萊 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
紐崔萊 (英語: Nutrilite)是一家 美国 營養補充品生产商。 由美國人 卡爾·仁伯 (Carl F. Rehnborg)於1934年成立的一個礦物質、維生素、和膳食補充品的品牌。 紐崔萊產品目前由 安达高 (英语:Alticor) 的子公司Access Business Group所生產,其產品通過 安麗 全球銷售。 紐崔萊品牌在 丹麥 、 芬蘭 、 挪威 、 瑞典 、 土耳其 、 澳大利亞 和 新西蘭 等地被稱為Nutriway。 大約在1917年到1927年這段期間,卡爾·仁伯(中國翻译卡尔·宏邦)曾在中國的旅行啟發了他對 …
Alticor Inc. -- Company History
Alticor Inc. is the holding company for four businesses, the most well-known of which is Amway Corporation, the pioneer of multilevel marketing (MLM). Amway Corporation sells its own products as well as brand name products from other companies through a network of more than three million independent distributors worldwide.
Alticor, The Largest Private Companies - Forbes.com
Alticor, a holding company for Amway, Quixtar and other interests, was established in October 2000. The company manufactures, markets and distributes more than 450 consumer products including...
L.O.C. Trademark - Alticor Inc. - Bingham Farms, MI - Bizapedia
L.O.C. is a Trademark by Alticor Inc., the address on file for this trademark is 3060 Telegraph Road, Suite 3275, Bingham Farms, MI 48025
Alticor - AmwayWiki
Alticor is a privately-held corporation, owned by members of the DeVos and Van Andel families. It was established to serve as the parent corporation for a handful of business ventures. The name was said to be coined from the Latin words altus and cor, roughly meaning "high heart".
Alticor Inc. - LinkedIn
Szépség, otthon, környezetvédelem! Alticor Inc. | 119 followers on LinkedIn.
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