关联开放数据云(The Linked Open Data Cloud)(持续改进中.......)_国际关联开放数据云平台lod …
2019年8月1日 · LOD(Level of Detail)是一种在计算机图形学中用于优化渲染性能的技术,主要应用于三维模型、地形等复杂几何数据的渲染中。 LOD 通过在不同的距离和尺 . . .
The Linked Open Data Cloud
This web page is the home of the LOD cloud diagram. This image shows datasets that have been published in the Linked Data format. You may reuse the diagram under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The diagrams on this website contain the attribution statement within the image, and if they are used without modification this attribution ...
Linked Open Data (LOD) is a growing movement for organisations to make their existing data available in a machine-readable format. This enables users to create and combine data sets and to make their own interpretations of data available in digestible formats and applications. With the aim of accelerating this movement in the clean energy arena,
What is linked open data? - California Learning Resource Network
2025年1月8日 · Linked Open Data (LOD) is a concept in the field of data science and open data that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to a type of data that is openly available and can be easily combined and linked together to create new insights and value-added content.
LOD Lab: Scalable Linked Data Processing | SpringerLink
2017年2月26日 · With tens if not hundreds of billions of logical statements, the Linked Open Data (LOD) is one of the biggest knowledge bases ever built. As such it is a gigantic source of information for applications in various domains, but also given its size an ideal test-bed for knowledge representation and reasoning, heterogeneous nature, and complexity.
Linked Open Data in Library Use Today - GitHub Pages
2024年6月4日 · Linked Open Data (LOD) is a method of publishing structured data about things using the RDF to enable interlinking and semantic queries across datasets. The data is organised in “triples”, each consisting of a subject (e.g., Named Person), predicate (IsAuthorOf), and object (Book Title), identified by Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) to ...
リンクトオープンデータ(Linked Open Data: LOD)|国立国会 …
LODとは、ウェブ上に存在する他のデータと「リンク」されているデータ(リンクトデータ、Linked Data)であることと、誰でも自由に利用できるように「オープン」なライセンスで公開されたデータ(オープンデータ)であることを兼ね備えたデータを指します。
Link prediction of LOD by multiple label propagation algorithm ...
This paper presents link prediction of Linked Open Data (LOD) by Multiple Label Propagation Algorithm (MLPA). The current LOD do not have enough links. Therefore, the LOD have not been able to exert so much semantic characteristics. In order to solve this problem, we proposed the MLPA considering semantic distance.
Introduction to the Principles of Linked Open Data
2017年5月7日 · Linked open data: what is it? This lesson offers a brief and concise introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD). No prior knowledge is assumed. Readers should gain a clear understanding of the concepts behind linked open data, how it is used, and how it is created. The tutorial is split into five parts, plus further reading:
Create Linked Open Data | LINCS
Creating linked open data (LOD) allows you to: Make your data more accessible to other researchers and the general public. Gain new perspectives on your data as you interrogate how it should be modeled as LOD. Interlink your data with other projects, enabling you to make exciting new connections in your research.