Firewood Log Sacks | Log Bags from Sackmaker
Bulk Log Nets Top quality extra breathable FIBC (Bulk Bag) for both storing and seasoning all types of firewood logs. • 87 x 110 x 100cm high • 1.0 cubic mtr Capacity • Vented with mesh sides • Open top / Flat base • Lifting and tipping straps • Certificated to 1000kgs
Our Products and Delivery Information — Lovington Logs
We can supply large bulk orders. From our kindling nets, log nets and bulk bags. All orders are priced individually to include delivery. Please contact us to discuss. We can offer this outside of our delivery area below.
对比.Net平台下三大日志库:Serilog、log4net和NLog - 汤问 - 博 …
2024年4月6日 · Log4net 是一位经验丰富的老手,已经为 .NET 社区服务十多年了。它是对 Java 中著名的 log4j 库的改编。 log4net 的声誉是当之无愧的,它提供了无与伦比的灵活性! // 使用 log4net var log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(MyClass)); log.Info("Hello, log4net!");
Nets Of Logs | Kiln Dried Ash Oak Birch Log Nets - UK Logs Direct
Buy Kiln Dried Logs in nets, handy and convenient. Kiln Dried Ash, Oak & Birch hardwood logs in nets delivered free, much easier than carrying logs home from the supermarket or garage and often works out cheaper for high quality nets of logs.
Log Bags & Sacks, Firewood bag, Bulk Vented log bags & Barrow …
Manufacturer and supplier of Log Bags, Bulk vented bulk log bags & log sacks perfect for firewood made from woven polypropylene. Our range of wood bags includes Log sacks and barrow bags, net log bags which make great kindling bags.
Medallionnet - Suppliers of net bags and Log bags for firewood ...
Medallion nets are providers of a wide range of net bags and packaging to independent packers, merchants and farmers throughout UK & Ireland. Our aim is always to provide excellent service and make distributing your goods quicker and easier for you.
Buy Kiln-Dried Ash Logs Nets - 30L | LuxuryWood Company
We sell premium kiln dried Ash logs packed in 30L nets. The moisture content of our ash firewood is 10-20% which gives you a long, hot, consistent, clean burn with little smoke. The prices quoted for our kiln dried Ash nets include VAT and Standard Delivery.
Vented Bulk Bags & Net Bags For Logs and Firewood - DaPak
Log and Kindling Nets with Drawstring Closure. Our net sacks are ideal for storing logs, kindling, vegetables and shellfish, making them the perfect choice for all kinds of industries. We can produce the net for your sacks to any size or colour and from three different fabrics. And we can even include an UV additive to stop them fading in the sun.
Full Pallet Of Log Nets | Kiln Dried Ash Logs Nets - UK Logs Direct
Each net is 22L and approx 8-9kgs of Kiln Dried Hardwood ASH Logs, more superior than the equivalent nets often often found in supermarkets and garages and delivered on a pallet direct to your door. 100% Kiln Dried ASH Hardwood Logs
Log Nets, Hardwood Log Nets, Softwood Log Nets
Our Log nets are available in Full Pallets containing 56 nets or Half Pallets containing 28 nets. Our Premium kiln dried logs are available in either softwoods or hardwoods, cut to approximately 25cm in length and kiln dried to less than 20% moisture content.