Logate: Software vendor for Telecoms, Banks and Enterprises
Bojana Jovanović Senior IP Transport Network Planning Expert Cetin Serbia "We would warmly recommend Logate for their flexibility and genuine customer-centric approach. Through our collaboration, there have been many changes in the initial project plan, to which they have successfully adapted and managed to always find the simplest solutions to …
About Us - Logate
In Logate he has led the Operation and Maintenance team, working on the entire infrastructure around Logate’s products and services, making sure that they are deployed and maintained with the highest security and quality standards. He has developed and now covers a role of product manager of an enterprise email system, Open MX, that Logate ...
USPS & International Address Validation | Loqate | US
Loqate offers type-ahead, real time address validation and data validation (phone, email), internationally and for USPS addresses.
Logate Institut - Početak tvoje IT karijere
Početak tvoje IT karijere! Logate Institut je ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih u okviru koje realizujemo kurseve i specijalizovane obuke iz oblasti informacionih tehnologija. U Logate Institutu, svoju IT karijeru možeš započeti na četiri usmjerenja (programiranje, mreže, veb dizajn i menadžment) odnosno sedam kurseva (java developer, …
15 Years of Our Digital Story - Evolution of Logate - Logate
2022年5月26日 · Back in 2006, when Airbnb wasn’t even a lucid thought of Brian Chesky and his co-founders, Logate was born as a software development company. A problem-solving startup before startups were cool, Logate set on the mission to fill the gap and help Montenegrin companies immerse in digital transformation (before that was cool too). Little did we ...
Cumulus is a software solution that automates accounting, administrative, and other business processes.
Logate - Network X
Founded in 2006 in Podgorica, Montenegro, Logate started as a small group of IT enthusiasts with wide experience in telecoms and banks, and an ambition to use it to develop and deliver solutions for the growing needs of the industry. Fifteen years later, Logate has developed its own set of specialized and industry recognized products that ...
LOGATE - CompanyWall Business
2006年11月14日 · Zahvaljujući ovim pokazateljima, LOGATE se pozicionira kao pouzdan partner u svojoj industriji. Na današnji dan tvrtka NIJE blokirana U 2023. godini tvrtka je ostvarila ukupne prihode u iznosu od 2.664.302,00. Tvrtka zapošljava ukupno 59 radnika, dok prosječna bruto zarada po zaposlenom iznosi 1.573,77 mjesečno. ...
Logate - DataStax
Logate is a company that creates enterprise products for telecoms and banks, helping them deliver their core services and capitalize on improved employee and customer experience.
Connect - Logate - Contact Center
Their know-how, technical expertise and proactive approach, Logate truly acts like a partner, unlike your average SaaS provider.” Aleksandar Obradović Epidemiologist, MD Institute for Public Health of Montenegro The Logate team not only donated Connect omni-channel contact center solution but they continued to support us with continuous ...