Charitable Nonprofit Organization - Foundation Sainte Rose de …
Actively supporting many education projects in Haiti since 2006. Help us continue! Donate TODAY!
FSRL photo Gallery
Welcome to FSLR's news and media gallery section. Visit this section often for all the latest about FSLR's and other Sainte Rose de Lima's activities and events. In 2024, Sainte de Rose Lima turns 160 years old. Click HERE to see how you can participate in this memorable milestone! TOGETHER, WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!
Accueil - Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne
Fondée avec la vision de transformer les soins de réhabilitation en Haïti, la Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne (FSRL) incarne l’excellence et l’innovation dans l’éducation spécialisée.
logo NG FSRL | Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne
2021年4月4日 · CONTACT. Rue Barrière Rouge 2, Chatuley, Léogâne,Haïti (509) 2817 9518. [email protected]. Décanat. [email protected]
FSRL photo Gallery - All FSRL events
Here you will find links to galleries of all FSRL recent and past events. We hope you'll join us at our next events supporting FSRL activities in Haiti. Most recent event: FSRL organized a fundraising cocktail in Pembroke Pines Florida on 4/24/18
FSRL Program — Haiti Rehabilitation Foundation
This emerging program offers a unique opportunity to support an historic first: the first four-year academic degree programs at one university for Occupational Therapists (OTs) and Physical Therapists (PTs). The first cohort of therapy students at FSRL graduated in January 2020, and the second cohort in December of 2020.
Foundation Sainte Rose de Lima - Facebook
Foundation Sainte Rose de Lima, P.O. Box 881036. 834 likes · 1 talking about this. FSRL was founded in 2006 in Florida to support SRL's and its projects....
Haiti Rehabilitation Foundation
Haiti Rehabilitation Foundation (HRF) is a non-profit, 501c3 organization founded with the mission of educating Haitians in the art and science of Physical and Occupational Therapy. For those that want to help Haiti in a lasting way, FSRL is a homerun; it is an efficient way to spend time and money as the work it is doing will endure.
Welcome to FSRL's... - Foundation Sainte Rose de Lima - Facebook
2014年4月8日 · Bienvenue à la page Facebook de FSRL, un complément de notre site officiel (voir lien ci-dessous). Visitez cette page pour mises à jour et support des activités et projets en cours de Sainte Rose de Lima.
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