about us - Mayki
Mayki Lighting Limited is one of the leading manufacturer of fiber optic lighting based in Guangzhou city, China. Our company specializes in the design, supply & manufacture of innovative fiber optic lighting products for more than 10 years. They are mainly used for architectural, commercial, conservation, sensory and residential sectors.
Mayki - Fiber Optic and LED Lighting Kits
Mayki Lighting Limited is one of the leading manufacturer of fiber optic lighting based in Guangzhou city, China, producing high quality and safety products, built for consistency, reliability and durability.
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Company Overview - Guangzhou Mayki Lighting Limited
Guangzhou Mayki Lighting Limited Products:fiber optic light,led strip lighting,led down light,led flood light,led controller
Company Overview - Guangzhou Mayki Lighting Limited
Mayki Lighting Limited is one of the leading manufacturer of fiber optic lighting based in Guangzhou city, China.Our company specializes in the design, supply & manufacture of innovative fiber optic lighting products for more than 10 years.
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