BMW R90S and R90/6 Decals and Roundels 1974-1976
BMW Logo Round Emblem (70mm), Airheads, F Bike, K Bike, Oilhead; 46 63 7 686 746 / BMW Part # BMW-Roundel746
BMW Airhead R90 /6 Seat Emblem Badge Logo for sale online
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BMW /6 Airhead Decals And Roundels 1974-1976 R60/6, R75/6, R90…
BMW Logo Round Emblem (45mm) - BMW Airhead, F Bike, G Bike, K Bike, Oilhead; 52 53 2 325 201 / BMW Part # BMW-Roundel201
BMW R90S - Wikipedia
BMW commissioned designer Hans Muth to oversee the R90S, which became the flagship of the boxer engined "/6" range. Sporting distinctive two-tone paintwork, a bikini fairing and a new tail, the R90S was intended to shrug off the enduring image of BMW bikes as staid and utilitarian.
BMW R90S Model Reference Library
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Seat Logo R90/6; and Center Stand Springs | BMW MOA
2010年12月19日 · I have a 1974 R90/6. Centerstand has always snapped up without assist. I went out to the garage and looked at mine. The springs look like they are routed the same as yours (long straight section aft). Some things I noticed. You said it is a '76 year model, but it has a '74 transmission (kick start).
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R90 – Vintage BMW Motorcycle Owners Store
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