Solved: Logo size - Adobe Community - 13069684 - Adobe …
2022年7月14日 · I created a logo in illustrator that is 200 x 75 pixels. I saved it and exported it as a png. When I open the logo on my windows computer with the general photo viewer the file info says that it is 834 x 313, 200 dpi, 32 bit and not 200 x 75 like I created in illustrator. Why is this?
Logo Artboard Size? - Adobe Community - 11828164 - Adobe …
2021年2月12日 · Yes, I have the Logo Package and it's awesome! Well worth the investment. The reason I'm going through this exercise is that whenever I create a logo for a client I'll copy and reuse the logo for subsequent projects, which usually isn't a problem, but it is e
Solved: Dimensions for logos? - Adobe Community - 9481017
2017年11月8日 · 3) Go to town and experiment with the logo design to your heart's content. But keep yourself honest and be sure to test your work by printing it at the smallest size you're going to use it. That may turn out to be business card-sized, because the card probably won't be completely filled with the logo — as a general rule, figure proportions of ...
Sizing my logo for Instagram profile - Adobe Support Community
2017年1月25日 · 3. Place your logo inside the circle. 4. Upload logo + the circle to Instagram. It took me a few minutes to be able to see my new profile picture. I don't know if this has something to do with the amount of pixels, but it worked. You have to group the circle with your logo, otherwise it won't work. I tried it without the circle and it failed.
Adobe Portfolio - How can I change size of site name and logo on …
2020年4月7日 · Hi Nancy, thanks for replying but my logo was not in the background. However I did find a solution -- there is a "Responsive" tab in the settings for the logo, where the max height for mobile can be set. This worked to keep the logo from being too large when viewed on mobile.
Solved: size and place of logo - Adobe Community - 8914963
2017年3月23日 · In my screen shot, I have gone into the Effect Controls panel and clicked on the "Motion" item. From there, I hit Command-C (or Control-C) and pasted that particular group of motion settings into other occurrences of the logo or image on my timeline.
Is there a specific image size for adobe portfolio?
2022年8月7日 · Hello, I don't know where to ask this. I want to make an artist portfolio using Adobe Portfolio, it's very easy to use but I can't figure out what pixel size the images ought to be. For example, instagram asks for 1080x1080 pixel size for their images, easy peasy. I can't find the specific dimensio...
Artboard sizes for Presentations - Adobe Community - 8933318
2017年2月20日 · It's difficult to prepare one size of presentation best for all media, projectors, screens, TV. I hope preparing HD 1920x1080 size is a good choise. Most modern TV, Projectors, screens uses HD dimiensions. You can also try to use smaller size - best for laptops: 1366x768. Use wide margins and background color same as your presentation background.
Solved: Size of Logo in website - Adobe Community - 11407081
2020年9月3日 · Hi Friends, Can anybody recommend an actual size of the logo that can be used. Currently the logo size I am using is quite large (Both header & footer) and it takes around 0.23 seconds to load. The problem is by reducing the size the logo gets blurry and does not look that appealing. Urgent Help Pl...
Solved: Resizing a Logo - Adobe Community - 12855744
2022年4月3日 · Presumably, you have created the logo as vector artwork, and it seems that it is circular. Which W and H values show up in the Transform panel when you select the (whole) logo? The recommended size of 2328 x 1144 pixels is rather strange as a background for a square register, about 2:1 (exactly 2:1 if the 1144 is a misprint for 1164).