Lochaber axe - Wikipedia
The Lochaber axe (Gaelic: tuagh-chatha) is a type of poleaxe that was used almost exclusively in Scotland. It was usually mounted on a staff about five feet long.
洛卡柏斧 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
洛卡柏斧 (Lochaber axe、tuagh-chatha)是蘇格蘭的一種長柄斧,斧柄約長1.5~1.8公尺,斧身約長45公分,頂端是尖的,背部可能裝有一個鉤子。 可以有效擊穿 鏈甲。 Waldman, J. Hafted Weapons in Medieval and Renaissance Europe: The Evolution of European Staff Weapons between 1200 and 1650. History of Warfare (series vol. 31). Leiden: Brill. 2005. ISBN 90-04-14409-9. Logan, James.
讲武堂:战斧秘话 暗黑中世纪的狂野杀器 - 知乎
在17-18世纪,战斧在地面战场被淘汰的同时,英国海军却大量装备了登舰斧 (Boarding Axe),这种武器的斧刃不长,斧背处增加了一个醒目的钩子,以便水手们攀登敌舰甲板时使用。
Lochaber axe - Military Wiki
The Lochaber axe is a type of halberd. The weapon was employed by the Scottish highlanders. The axe itself is similar to tools used with crops, such as the scythe, which is designed for reaping. The hook on the back bears a passing resemblance to a shepherd's crook, although within agriculture a...
Scottish Weapons - Scran
The Lochaber Axe was a weapon of the Highland foot soldier, though it is also associated with the town guards of Aberdeen and Edinburgh as a ceremonial weapon. The design evolved over years and the Lochaber association is probably related to the source of the staff.
weaponry/axepike — The Clan Buchanan
The Lochaber Axe was a weapon of the Highland foot soldier, though it is also associated with the town guards of Aberdeen and Edinburgh as a ceremonial weapon. The design evolved over years and the Lochaber association is probably related to the source of the staff.
Lochaber Axe - List Of Weapons Wiki
The Lochaber axe (Gaëlic: tuagh-chatha) is a type of poleaxe that was used almost exclusively in Scotland. It was usually mounted on a staff about five feet long. The Lochaber axe is first recorded in 1501, as an "old Scottish batale ax of Lochaber fasoun".
Military, pp.260-266. - Random Scottish History
2021年4月22日 · The Lochaber Axe was a characteristic Highland weapon of the middle ages. Pennant notices it, and regards it as a terrible weapon, ‘better to be expressed by a figure than by words.’
RCIN 94950 - Lochaber axes - Royal Collection Trust
Set of lochaber axes or halberds with wooden haft/shaft with studs towards the base, terminating in a metal spearpoint. Metal head with curved blade with two pointes tips/spikes at the top and one at the bottom.
Lochaber axe · West Highalnds Museum
2024年9月6日 · This pair of Lochaber axes originate from Taymouth Castle and were made for the visit of Queen Victoria to the castle in 1842. The Queen stayed at Taymouth for three days where she was treated to a lavish display of Highland culture.