APM 2.6 Loiter Mode Not Working While Everything Else Works …
2014年3月20日 · Loiter does not hold position but fly's away when engaged. - Stabilize Mode is perfect, with no wind you can almost think its in loiter mode - Alt Hold is very accurate and rock solid. - GPS is locking10 Sat and tried Loiter when it was under 2 HDOP (Actually is was pretty good holding 1.4 HDOP) (GPS is the Ublox LEA-6H)
Spektrum AR20410T Synapse : Sailplane Loitering - RC Groups
2024年7月31日 · The new update brings a lot of new functionalities for the regular AS3X receivers (AR10360T / AR8360T / AR637T ), all receivers can have that functionality on top of the launch assist mode. That is a lot of new functionalities that can have a direct use in the sailplane world. I am planning to do a video on that launch assist mode soon.
Jumper T16__failed change to Arducopter LOITER mode
2022年1月14日 · I have set up 6 Arducopter flight modes in Jumper T16 using the 6P Muiltipos switch. PWM for each mode is tuned at the centre of each flight mode range as shown in Mission Planner flight mode page. When pressing each of the 6 buttons (6P multipos switches), the flight mode changes accordingly when vehicle is UNARMED, with GPS 3d fix.
Best Control Board with GPS and Loiter Mode - RC Groups
2012年12月27日 · Question Best Control Board with GPS and Loiter Mode Multirotor Drone Electronics
Pixhawk Advanced Features for beginners: Return to Launch RTL
2017年3月1日 · In your confusion you decide to flip the flight mode out of loiter into stabilize, which cancels the RTL. However, the throttle had been increased by the flight controller to get the aircraft to rise to return altitude but the throttle stick is still sitting where you left it …
Oscillation in land and loiter mode - RC Groups
2020年12月24日 · APM 2.6 quad starts asscending in loiter mode: shivesh gaur: Multirotor Drone Electronics: 2: Dec 30, 2020 03:44 PM: Discussion: Arducopter / Pixhawk : Slight oscilation in loiter hover: anom3: Multirotor Drone Talk: 1: Dec 29, 2020 09:59 PM: Discussion: Bad Oscillation in Betaflight- Horizon mode: jbess: Multirotor Drone Talk: 4: Dec 29, 2020 ...
Help please - throttle drop when switched to Loiter mode
2015年4月5日 · Discussion Help please - throttle drop when switched to Loiter mode Multirotor Drone Electronics
Cleanflight iNav (navigation-rewrite) project - RC Groups
2020年6月3日 · Switching to angle mode immediately recovers it so fortunately I did not crash today and shows that the stabilization works normally. The problem occurs with 3D cruise mode, position/alt hold, and RTH, so I thought maybe it tries too hard to maintain a position so I set nav_fw_pos_xy_p = 30 (from default 70), but this did not solve the problem.
APM 2.8 plug connections - RC Groups
2017年1月6日 · Visited the club field today and test flew the quad.Couldn't be happier.Stabilise mode was pretty much the same response as the original flight controller(cc3d).Loiter mode even with a little wind was pretty much rock steady with little drift.RTL worked fine with good rate of decent and landed about 6 feet from where it took off.
Arducopter / Pixhawk : Slight oscilation in loiter hover
2016年3月3日 · The only annoying issue I have is when I do a hover in loiter mode. The quad tends to slowly oscillate. Here are the symptoms: A) The area within which it oscillates is small, I would venture to say less then 0.5 meters. B) Its not constant. But every 2-3 seconds you can see one side of the quad move up to change the location of the quad.