Long Dan Cao - 龙胆草 - Radix Gentianae - American Dragon
Long Dan Cao is bitter and very cold, primarily draining Fire from the Liver channel, Lower Jiao Damp-Heat and Liver Fire with red eyes, vertigo, and tinnitus. it also treats cramps and spasms due to Liver Heat generating Wind, or vaginal swelling and itching due to Lower Jiao Damp-Heat.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang in Traditional Chinese Medicine
In the realm of ancient healing practices, Long Dan Xie Gan Tang shines as a gem of wisdom from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Revered for centuries, this herbal concoction offers a profound approach to restoring balance within the body.
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Founded in 2006 and possess more than 13 stores in the retail system, Longdan Home of Asia - has become a trustworthy and reliable shopping destination for oriental food & drink products.
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang - 龙胆泻肝汤 - American Dragon
Rx. Gentianae : Long Dan Cao: 1-9g: Drains Shi Heat from the Liver/Gallbladder, drains Liver Fire and eliminates Damp-Heat from Lower Jiao. With Chai Hu and Huang Qin, for Liver/ Gallbladder Damp-Heat.: Rx. Scutellariae: Huang Qin : 3-12g: Drains Fire, dries Dampness and calms ascending Liver Yang. With Zhi Zi, drains Fire and eliminates Dampness.: Fr. Gardeniae
Long Dan Cao (龙胆草): What Is It, Benefits, and Risks
2024年9月7日 · What is Long Dan Cao? Long Dan Cao, which translates to “dragon’s gall grass” in English, is a perennial herb that belongs to the Gentianaceae family. It’s primarily found in China, Japan, Korea, and Russia, thriving in mountainous regions between 400 to 1700 meters above sea level 1.
Long Dan Cao (Chinese Gentian) in Chinese Medicine
Long Dan Cao is a king ingredient in Long Dan Xie Gan Tang. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In Long Dan Xie Gan Tang, Long Dan Cao it is extremely effective at draining Excessive Heat from the Liver and Gallbladder and eliminating Damp-Heat from the Lower-Burner.
Review on “Long-Dan”, one of the traditional Chinese ... - Springer
2012年2月13日 · “Long-Dan” is an important traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) herb used widely for the treatment of inflammation, hepatitis, rheumatism, cholecystitis, and tuberculosis. In the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, the roots and rhizomes of four species from the genus Gentiana (Gentianaceae) are recorded as the original materials of “Long-Dan ...
龙胆 - 中药材 - 中医世家
为龙胆科植物 龙胆 或 三花龙胆 的 根 及 根茎。 春、秋均可采收,以秋季采收质量为佳。 采挖后,除去茎叶,洗净,晒干。 ①龙胆,又名:粗糙龙胆。 多年生草本,高35~60厘米。 根茎短,簇生多数细长的根,根长可达25厘米,淡棕黄色。 茎直立,粗壮,通常不分枝,粗糙,节间常较叶为短。 叶对生,无柄,基部叶2~3对,甚小,鳞片状;中部及上部叶卵形、卵状披针形或狭披针形,长约3~8厘米,宽0.4~4厘米,先端渐尖或急尖,基部连合抱于节上,叶缘及叶脉粗糙,主 …
Long Dan Xie Gan Pian (Liver FireClear™) | ActiveHerb
2014年3月3日 · Long Dan Xie Gan Pian (Wan) (Tang) (Liver FireClear™) is a Chinese medicine famous for purging the Liver Fire, cleansing the Liver, and supporting liver health. The No.1 Trusted Chinese Herbs In The USA
Long Dan - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · For being good at clearing damp-heat of liver, gallbladder and bladder, it is mainly used for lower energizer damp-heat syndrome such as jaundice, leukorrhagia, itching and swollen vagina and stranguria. It is used to treat damp-heat jaundice, often combined with heat-clearing, dampness-excreting and anti-icteric herbs.
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