c - What kind of data type is "long long"? - Stack Overflow
2010年1月24日 · According to C99 standard, long long is an integer type which is at least 64-bit wide. There are two integer 64-bit types specified: long long int and unsigned long long int. So, yes, this is the biggest integer type specified by C language standard (C99 version). There is also long double type specified by C99. It's an extended precision ...
What is the difference between "long", "long long", "long int", and ...
2013年9月24日 · For example, a long is 64 bits on Linux and 32 bits on Windows (this was done to keep backwards-compatability, allowing 32-bit programs to compile on 64-bit Windows without any changes). long int is a synonym for long. Later on, long long was introduced to mean "long (64 bits) on Windows for real this time". long long int is a synonym for this.
Data type `long` in C programming - Stack Overflow
2014年4月14日 · Per the ANSI C specification (similar language exists in C99 and C++ specifications): The type of an integer constant is the first of the corresponding list in which its value can be represented. Unsuffixed decimal: int, long int, unsigned long int. Unsuffixed octal or hexadecimal: int, unsigned int, long int, unsigned long int.
types - long long in C/C++ - Stack Overflow
long long num3 = 100000000000LL; The suffix LL makes the literal into type long long. C is not "smart" enough to conclude this from the type on the left, the type is a property of the literal itself, not the context in which it is being used.
Difference between Short, long and Long long int in C …
2015年10月3日 · The standards committee prohibited that in C11: long long int is now guaranteed to be at least as wide as long int, and long int at least as wide as int. Because a lot of programs couldn't redefine long as 64 bits without breaking, C needed a …
Long Vs. Int C/C++ - What's The Point? - Stack Overflow
2011年9月18日 · "a long in C/C++ is the same length as an int." Not always. The C++ standard specifies that an int be the "natural" size for the processor, which may not always be as big as a long. The standard also guarantees that a long is at least as long as an int, so the fact that they are equal sizes are not always guaranteed. –
What's the difference between unsigned long/long/int in c/c++?
2010年3月31日 · The C language specification allows the implementation of int and long types to vary from one platform to another within a few constraints. This variability is a headache for cross-platform code, but it is also an asset because it enables the informed programmer to balance their design goals between native processor speed and full numeric range ...
Convert string to long long C? - Stack Overflow
2013年9月12日 · Parsing string to long in C. 4. cast long into pointer. 7. Troubling converting string to long long in C. 17.
How to find the length(number of digits)of a long in C?
2020年6月6日 · If both long and double have 64 bits, such as on almost all non-Windows 64-bit platforms, a long has more precision than a double does, so a large long value will "lose" its trailing bits when converted to a double. That means the double will represent a smaller absolute value than the original long.
c - Format specifier for 'long long' - Stack Overflow
long long call_count; What is the format specifier that I should use in print statements? I tried, %l, %ld, %ll. None seems to be correct. I use Diab C compiler for compiling my application code to run on pSOS operating system.